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NYU Tandon School of Engineering - MS in Financial Engineering

NYU Tandon MFE NYU Tandon MFE admissions thread

Hello #10 (football fans will understand)!!
We are working on this every day -- each application dossier is examined in detail. We have now sent decisions to just over 300 of the roughly 800 priority applicants. We expect another 100+ decisions to be sent out early next week.
It is our goal to process at least 100 each week -- this means that we should be done with the priority applications about the 20th of February. Please note that some of these prospective students will hear that they are waitlisted. This means that we need to see the applications coming to us in February before we make a decision.
Hi, NYU MS FE Admissions Team,
For priority cycle students who are waitlisted will the status change or will it be "Awaiting Decision"?
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This is a question for our Graduate Admissions department -- the people on this thread are profs in the FRE Department. We in FRE don't have a direct interface to applicants. We send our decisions to Grad Admissions and they communicate with you. We profs are not able to see the communications and status changes that Grad Admissions shows to you. Sorry that I can't answer more deeply.
This is a question for our Graduate Admissions department -- the people on this thread are profs in the FRE Department. We in FRE don't have a direct interface to applicants. We send our decisions to Grad Admissions and they communicate with you. We profs are not able to see the communications and status changes that Grad Admissions shows to you. Sorry that I can't answer more deeply.
No issues.
Thanks for the clarification!
Hopefully some decisions are pending for you guys. Best of luck.
Let us know when you have an update and share it on our Tracker too since it's very actively watched.
Got this reply from NYU -
Regarding the matter with the checklist the system has updated your application, and you will receive an updated in the next days.
Got this reply from NYU -
Regarding the matter with the checklist the system has updated your application, and you will receive an updated in the next days.
Result should come up soon for you. If you have your cases on the Tracker, be sure to update and let us know how it goes. Same with other programs you are applying.
Hi NYU Tandon MFE,

I applied on the priority date, and have been waiting for a decision. If I become into the waitlist, then will I be notified that from you?
Hi Team,
I've submitted my application for NYU MS FE in the first round. Two friends of mine who submitted on the same day already got their decisions several weeks ago, but I still haven't heard anything. Is there an approximate date of when the decisions will be released for the rest of the people in the first round? Thank you!
the "awaiting decision" banner disappeared from my application status portal. Is anyone else facing this? Any idea what it means?
Hey typically what is the clearance rate for the people that got waitlisted? And after how many days can we expect a confirmation or rejection?