Opinions please! "first time post"

So, basically I think I know what I want to do, career wise, and I think, education wise, I am headed in the right direction.... but as we all know, what we think we know, and what the reality is typically differ greatly.

I am currently a junior at a decent sized state school (29K + enrollment) with good academic programs, but not ranked highly. I am double majoring in industrial math/statistics and economics with a minor in computer science.
Some math classes I have already completed are:
Calc I -A
Calc II-A
Calc III-A
Dif Eq.- B

I am currently in a PDE class.

Math classes I will be taking in the next few semesters:
Applied Linear Algebra
Numerical Analysis I & II
Real Analysis I & possibly II
Mathematical Modeling
Intermediate ODE's

Economics wise I have completed (4) intro and intermediate micro and macro all with an A.
I am planning on taking graduate level
Mathematical Economics
Econometrics I, II, & III
Adv. Macro I & II

Statistics wise I am currently in
Probability Theory I

planning on taking
Prob Theory II
SAS Programming
Data Analysis
Stochastic Processes
Statistical Computing (Monte Carlo methods in R)

I am taking my first class in Java right now.
Other computer science classes I am planning are:
Java II
Intro. Software Engineering
Principle-Programming Language
Design of Algorithms
Data Mining

A couple other classes I plan on taking that I feel are worth mentioning are
(EE) Stochastic Systems Theory
(EE) Advanced Signal Processing

I am also planning on completing the online C++ program from Baruch

My goal is to get into a top financial engineering program (but isn't that everyone's). I would like to be able to work at a quantitative hedge fund. I currently trade equity options (personally), which I really like. I am also working on creating a mock-fund club at my university. (For whatever mentioning that is worth)

I am interested in building Algo trading systems, but my main goal is to eventually be a quant PM.
I am also currently studying for the CMT level I.
For the future I want to complete the CFA program as well.

Any kind of information would be helpful as to point me in the right direction, or at least get me thinking about the future a little more efficiently.
Thanks for your time!
I am currently in a PDE class.

It would not do any harm IMO to try to learn some finite difference method for PDE in this period.

And C(C++) is always good.
Try to work in some study of concurrency into your Java coursework (whether through projects or independent study/discussion with the professor). I say this because I'm not sure they really go over that in courses called "Java I" or "Java II", but that's the main reason you'll see Java in front office systems.
Profile looks great. Similar to mine actually (and it worked out for me). You'll be fine!
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