Options with 2 underlyings

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tsotne
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Can anyone state (point a link of) an option example with 2-3 underlying? Underlyings are preferred to be equity, or anything for which I can find a historical quotes. Thanks
Options on Gasoline Crack Spreads? Options on SPY?

Thank you for your response. Options on equity would be preferred since we have to model that option price and compare to actual one. And equity history is easily accessible. So I'm particularly interested in a call option with 2 (max 3) underlying.
Like chooser options ?

No Dibbs. Not chooser options. Single option with 2 underlying. For example call option placed on Microsoft and Citigroup Stocks simultaneously. I just need the real example to see what the history of the underlying was and see the actual price of option.
BTW, what is the minimum number of underlyings (beyond one) you have had experience with (or have seen some)
Thanks for your response. We can't afford 10+ at this moment. Analyzing 10+ underlying with copulas is not the kind of hell we can handle within given time.

haha fair enough.. worst-of options with two or three underlyings are very common
Switching from 2 dimensional copula to 3 is not a very hard and unaffordable job. Once the pattern emerges we can extend it to 4-5... and more dimensions. Nut for analytical simplicity 2 and 3 are enough. Our first choice was CDOs but coudn't get the real data of underlyings and CDOs themselves. We've been suggested to look for index and the least one we can find is consisting of 30.
You don't like worst of, best of, and basket? Those are common equity and FX correlation products.

Thanks. I need example, an option symbol to search for quote. I couldn't find the option symbol. It'll be fine if it is placed on anything you want:commodity, equity, FX, etc. I need symbol to look for its quote and its underlying quotes. Deadline is tomorrow...

Thanks. I need example, an option symbol to search for quote. I couldn't find the option symbol. It'll be fine if it is placed on anything you want:commodity, equity, FX, etc. I need symbol to look for its quote and its underlying quotes. Deadline is tomorrow...


errr i can't really be of help there man sorry.. these are only OTC products as far as i know.. if you do end up finding any exchange traded multi asset options I'd be very interested to see as well .. maybe try an option on an ETF with as few constituents as possible or something
Because the dealers will only send those runs to trading desks and counter-party they are doing business with. Normally, you ask someone to put you on the list and they will send you via Bloomberg emails with a no copy, no forward lock so another party can't receive them.
If you want to get data for your study, the best way is to get something that is on the exchange.
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