Oxford & Imperial MCF 2022 Applications

How much chance are we having if we are still under consideration? Does anyone know how many offers do they give to waitlist?
My upload button diseappear this afternoon in UK time. Does anyone faces the same situation?
Finger X for you! Hope it is gonna be a positive sign.
After seeing many people got the button disappeared, my button being still there is a real torture.
If too much people's button disappeared, disappearing may be not a good sign. I dont think that most people can get offer from waiting list, i guess.
If too much people's button disappeared, disappearing may be not a good sign. I dont think that most people can get offer from waiting list, i guess.
Mine just disappeared too. Since the first batch of offers has already expired, it's likely that they're now making their final decisions about who on the waiting list will get in. I guess we will find out very soon.
Just received an email from the maths department formally saying that I'm now on the waitlist.

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