PHOTO: QuantNet Central Park Summer 07 Picnic

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chris
  • Start date Start date
The Quant Network at Baruch's Financial Engineering MS Program would like to invite you its first QuantNet summer picnic at Central Park on the Great Hill!

We are planning group games, frisbee, biking and other fun activities. Sandwiches and refreshments will be served.
Please RSVP by Wednesday 8/8 so we know how much food to prepare.

This will be the last week where we will all have no classes so we encourage you all to come before the semester starts. We hope to see everyone there!

Date/Time: Saturday, August 11 10:00am-6:00pm
Location: Central Park West at The Great Hill W106th St
Directions: Take the A Train to 103rd St. Central Park West and enter W106th St entrance.



Dmytro, reset your counter, please, to plural, as in ``girls" :)

when i was posting my rsvp - i only saw Bridgett on the list of attendees - hence, "a girl". :smt061
Prof Stefanica asked for help, so i was doing just that - accentuating attention on the fact that only one lady rsvp'ed so far.
Ladies please prove me wrong by committing to his event!
Dmytro, how can you get "drafted"? is this like an army thing? :D

If I go, I will bring my wife... and my little baby on the way HAHAHA :D... a future Yankee fan/player of course..:D
Andy, I wonder what class I'm in :) maybe 2004. Haven't seen many people from 2004 around :)
when i was posting my rsvp - i only saw Bridgett on the list of attendees - hence, "a girl". :smt061
Prof Stefanica asked for help, so i was doing just that - accentuating attention on the fact that only one lady rsvp'ed so far.
Ladies please prove me wrong by committing to his event!

Dmytro - I can see your good intentions, but I don't think attendance to any party has ever been increased by bringing attention to the lack of girls that will be showing up :D
As far as class is concerned, I always consider you one of the 2006 guys ;)

Usually, we hear an expression "Graduating class of 200X" :) and I'm clear that I'm in the class of 2007 :) but as far as "Incoming class of 200X" it is a bit in the dark for me. Well, anyway, we are all one class :)
One interesting thing to note is that I was taking classes with people who graduated in the first class and with those who graduated later and up until 2007 :)
How are the preparations going ?

Andy, direct this question to both Billy and Chris -- they two are the anchors of this activity.

Oh, also, we don't want to leak out details early to spoil the fun surprises, guys...:-ss
Things are moving along. :)

I'm going to be in Central Park that day early in the morning to get everything ready.

According to AccuWeather its going to be really nice that day so we are definitely on!
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