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2009 Quantnet Central Park Picnic

did we decide on a date already? I need to plan in advance.
No booze in Central Park :) We don't want to be known as a "Quant Gang that was arrested for drinking in public place" ;) Following Beer Garden meeting should be an answer for all drinking adventures :)
Just rsvp'ed, looking forward on meeting all you guys. Andy do you want any help to bring anything? Iam coming in from LI but I wouldn't mind helping.
Since I will be coming with Little Trevor, the earlier the better. He is up and running by 6:45 - 7 AM
We'll be posting some other items to bring this weekend. If you'd like to volunteer to purchase food and bring to the day of, please contact me. The school will be paying for it, we just need to get a bunch of stuff. It'll be easier if you have a car to move things, as well.