Quantlab on Saturday

Hey guys! Is anybody planning to come to quantlab tomorrow before noon?

I will definitely be there from noon, but if somebody wants to come earlier I can come as well. (there's no way I'll be there before ten, though :-\")
Not this Saturday but next one I will be there for sure. 12pm is great. I am assuming you're the one with the key?
Same here, I'll be there next Saturday.
Not this Saturday but next one I will be there for sure. 12pm is great. I am assuming you're the one with the key?

Yes, I am ;).

And everybody is welcome to use this thread to get in touch with me, whenever you need to be in the library early in the morning on weekends.
Hey guys. I'm looking for a volunteer, who can take key from math department for this weekend.
Is there anybode who is 100% sure, that he's coming tomorrow?
The guards could open the door as well, if needed and asked nicely ;)
Hey guys. I'm looking for a volunteer, who can take key from math department for this weekend.
Is there anybode who is 100% sure, that he's coming tomorrow?

I'm going to be there for sure
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