R using quant firms

Since times seem to be quiet right now, at least jobwise (monster/careerbuilder/etc... all look like black holes what with all the recruiter middlemen making it impossible to apply directly to companies), I was wondering if anyone here knew particular names of companies that predominantly use R in the workplace.

Just so I could have some more places to fire off resumes to.

Thanks a lot!
Kinsey Allen - Home

It's a recruitment agency. They were looking for R coders a while back for commodities trading groups around chicago and new york. Maybe they still have some positions?

There is a guy named william who frequents quant forums for talent from there. I don't know him, and I don't even know if he works there anymore but worth a try.
Where are you located and where are you applying? Are you Israeli?

Send me a PM if you don't want to post publicly.
We do. BAC does in a lot of groups. BARRA does. A lot of HF use it.

Go to REvolution computing They sponsor events all the time where you can meet great coders. I have been in couple of them.
I am located right now at Rutgers, winstonTJ, so I'm a hop, skip, and jump away from NYC. Cherry Hill, NJ otherwise. Unfortunately, I'm not Israeli. That said, I'm not averse to taking a numbers/logistic analysis position with the IDF/Tzahal for a few years as my first quant gig! It's just that I'm very proudly Jewish (humanistic/agnostic Jewish, but proudly Jewish nevertheless)! So I took the flag avatar from another member of quantnet :p
I don't mean to disappoint, but i'll be working to transfer all R code to MATLAB this summer at a firm..
I don't mean to disappoint, but i'll be working to transfer all R code to MATLAB this summer at a firm..

I thought you were changing the code from S+ to Matlab. R is not really S+ although they are similar.
Don't mean to highjack this thread, some portion of their code is in S+ and some is in R, they're looking to change all that into Matlab.
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