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Seeking Advice


I recently graduated from a quantitative finance program at an Ivy League university. While the program offered rigorous and excellent courses, it lacked any career support. Unfortunately, due to the intense coursework demands, I couldn't dedicate much time to searching for internships, resulting in a less-than-ideal internship experience. Additionally, visa requirements compelled me to accept the return offer for a role that is only tangentially related to my career interests.

With no prior work experience in finance, I'm finding it challenging to secure interviews for roles in trading and quantitative research. I'm contemplating the idea of pursuing a second master's degree, such as those offered by institutions like CMU and Baruch, which are known for their strong career support. I'd like to hear your thoughts on whether it would be wiser to continue sending out applications and networking while waiting for opportunities to arise, or if pursuing another master's degree might streamline this process.

Thanks for any insight or help!