Speculation trading book

Hello again! Im seeking a book which has been written by experienced day-traders. What methods they apply and describe their experiences and sharing advices. I don't know the name of the book. I only know it had red cover(no matter if you know another though). So could you help me find such book? It costs almost $3000 as my professor said. Thank you
I gave effort and couldn't find one. Do you know similar book? Or the book explaining mathematical short term(day long) models.
OP. If you want any of the books mention above I can get them for you in PDF cause those prices are insane.
Can anyone shed some light why these books are so expensive? Never seen any course or regular books that are more than $400 unless they are like some fancy encyclopedia volumes..:confused:
Thanks #Neuron I already saw those books and those are like stories told there. Im searching for a book explaining short term mathematical techniques. #Andy I didn't have time to ask there were 300 people on conference. Thanks all
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