C charlesdwright Joined 6/5/07 Messages 348 Points 26 9/19/08 #941 A brithday, Muting? Couldn't happen to a better guy. Best wishes!
Muting Joined 12/23/06 Messages 187 Points 28 9/19/08 #947 Thanks a lot. Time flies but I feel I have a fulfilling year and get the chance to know so many awesome friends. Cheers, Muting
Thanks a lot. Time flies but I feel I have a fulfilling year and get the chance to know so many awesome friends. Cheers, Muting
D Dmytro Joined 5/4/07 Messages 176 Points 28 9/19/08 #948 best wishes to Muting, our Baruch MFE Wunderkind. btw, is that why they put him on the front cover of the latest Ticker issue?
best wishes to Muting, our Baruch MFE Wunderkind. btw, is that why they put him on the front cover of the latest Ticker issue?
R RussianMike Joined 5/9/06 Messages 296 Points 26 9/20/08 #951 Belated Happy Birthday!!! Best wishes!!!
Christian Joined 1/2/07 Messages 128 Points 28 9/20/08 #956 Happy birthday, Muting. I hope you could barely walk last night!
Yan He Joined 5/6/06 Messages 384 Points 28 10/13/08 #957 Happy Birthday, Bob Bob, happy birthday! Wish you (Mia and Karen) the best.
dstefan Baruch MFE Director Joined 5/19/06 Messages 1,351 Points 93 10/13/08 #959 Happy, happy, happy birthday, Bob!!! :band::birthday::band:
O owais Joined 3/20/07 Messages 22 Points 11 10/13/08 #960 :dance: Happy:dance: :dance: Birth:dance: :dance:Day:dance: Bob:smt006:band: