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Uni Birmingham vs. Uni Manchester

  • Thread starter Thread starter hyphis
  • Start date Start date
Hi all,

I'm trying to make a decision between the University of Birmingham MSc. in Mathematical Finance vs. the University of Manchester MSc. in Mathematical Finance (not MSc. Quantitative Finance). I've heard that the two schools are of similar calibre and students generally just tend to choose the city that they prefer. Is there anything else that I should factor into my decision? Anything that could potentially influence me to go to one school over the other?

What are your thoughts?

Hi hyphis,

I'm currently finishing up my BSc in Mathematics with Financial Mathematics at the University of Manchester. I too believe that the courses are on par but from my experiences in applying for internships in Trading, Manchester has a better reputation, especially internationally. The careers service is sub-par though I must say.

I've also studied a couple of modules that are taught in MSc courses (Quantitative Finance and Mathematical Finance) and the lecturers are great but the class is full of international students, many of whom don't speak much English. I'd assume Birmingham would be rather similar though as the English language requirement at these unis is lower than say, Imperial College.

The city is amazing though. You're bound to have a great social life and there are potentially great networking opportunities if you attend events at the business school.

Hope this helped,

Absolutely! Thanks so much for your input.
Anyone out there from Birmingham or a postgraduate student at Manchester?
Thanks in advance.