What books are you currently reading?

The Federalist Papers (1788)
The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life (1994)
Misbehavior of Markets (2006) (rereading after discovering this little gem several years ago)

Longer-term projects:
The Peloponnesian War (Thucydides)
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Gibbon)
Wheel of Time (Jordan)
Stormlight Archive (Sanderson)
Red Rising
Several dozen classic novels I have accumulated on various foreign trips.
Just finished Lords of Finance, sort of a "The Great Contraction" from a reality TV point of view. Fascinating the way the author portrays the personalities of leading the central banks of England, France, Germany, and US in run up to depression; but the policy analysis seemed a little shallow. Like all decisions were compressed into the charichatures of each of the personalities involved, and were therefore sort of pre-determined and obvious. Keynes makes fun appearances as sort of a court jester throwing tomatoes at the orthodoxy of the bankers. But still, the backgrounds and temperaments could be a bigger driving force than the ideas. Kind of neat to see one person's conception of what happened behind the curtain.
They don't write well-researched books like this any more.

R.G. Dromey How to Solve it by Computer Prentice-Hall 1982

It discusses how to write well-structured modular programs and deep discussions of algorithms and data structures and code in Pascal.

Most books (e.g. in Python) seem to be/are

30% screen sheets
40% tables of output
20% text
10% maths (if you are lucky)

Very little background (e.g. maths, fianance) and certainly no help in developing your own algorithms.

Just using libraries and packages alone means you will always us libraries and packages at the cost of real software design skill IMHO.

BTW I have stopped buying books on Python, for the above reasons.

Caveat: "each to his own"
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The books by Jim Rickards -- Currency Wars, The Death of Money, The Road to Ruin, Aftermath.
G. M. Weinberg 1998 The Psychology of Computer Programming, Dorset House.
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Anyone wants to share their current reading list? Be it books, websites or anything that entertains or exercises the mind?
Andy Greenberg, Tracers in the Dark
This book discusses how law enforcement agencies go after cyber-criminals, e.g. Silk Road. Very enlightening. Cryptocurrency transactions are not nearly as anonymous as people think they are.

New York Times Review
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