New profile posts

Hello, I have been accepted to the BU MSMF program. What is you view on the program? My guess is that you have already graduated?
Andy, I am extremely sorry....... My full time job takes too much time:( .I thought I could make some time but it turned out I can't handle it. Could I apply for refund. So sorry.
Andy Nguyen
Andy Nguyen
Sure. I can refund for you. Would you like to keep it and schedule a couple months later when you have some more time from the job? You can always request full refund then.
Is the 16 weeks starting right now? Should I finished the level 1 and level 2 first and then buy myself a 16 week? I am worried I waste the first two levels time...
Andy Nguyen
Andy Nguyen
Yes, the 16-week start right when you make payment. It should show you a counter of how many days you have left, confirm?
If you don't want to enroll right now but a bit later (maybe in a week), just let me know and I will help.
You should have access to level 1, 2 now and start working on it now.
I'd like to be enrolled two weeks later...Can I?...Thanks a lot:)
Andy Nguyen
Andy Nguyen
You are scheduled to enroll on 1/28 now. Please go ahead and work on l1 and l2 HW.
Hello, Andy. I want to purchase the c++ course. And I think I’ve complete the payment and the bank's system showed the money has been paid. But the website went wrong. Now I am not sure whether I purchase the course successfully. Could you check that for me ? And how can I start the course? Thanks a lot.
Andy Nguyen
Andy Nguyen
Hi, you are successfully enrolled in the course. Can you tell me what you meant by "the website went wrong". What error message you received?
Hi Andy,
I am a student at Columbia ( MSOR) . I was interested into quantitative finance but now i would like to switch over to Big Data. Ihave completed core courses (stochastic, regression models, intro to FE). I am taking spring courses Machine Learning (R) , Applied Data Science (Python) , Analysis of Algorithms, Intro to Databases
Do you think with similar courses will place me in a good position to apply for jobs in financial industry as well?
Or Do you think I should take couple of courses like Quantitative Risk Management , Implied Volitility SMile ? instead of Analysis of Algorithms and Intro to Databases.

Andy - waiting for your reply.
i need more details. which companies? do you have any idea what are you going to be doing? which groups? you are being too vague so it's very hard to help you. Nobody will be able to give you any advise unless there is more information.
hey Andy, i got into university of michigan's MFE program and I'm quite very likely to get into university of Washington St louis MSF Qtrack as well. Could you give me some suggestions about choosing between them? Thanks
I want to be a Quant Programmer and work for Investment Bank/Hedge Fund. Should i do MS in Computer Science or MS in Financial Engineering ?
Andy Nguyen
Andy Nguyen
MFE does not make you a good programmer. MS CS would be more flexible in term of career prospect.
Hi Andy, I have been reading your comments in forums for months and I am very impressed about your knowledge in this field. I am a PhD in Applied Mathematics and an early stage Assistant Professor in Applied Mathematics with strong programming knowledge in Matlab and C++. My goal is to become a Quant. I was wondering what would be your suggestion for the simplest way to achieve this goal.
Thanks, Zeev
Andy Nguyen
Andy Nguyen
You probably should apply for jobs directly or via a recruiter.
Thank you Andy, I have been trying and got only one interview. I guess the market is very difficult these days. Thanks again
Andy Nguyen
Andy Nguyen
The landscape has changed and the job market is shrinking.
Hie Sir. I have graduated with a Masters in Operations Research and Bsc Hons Applied Mathematics from NUST, Zimbabwe. How can I get into Quant Analysts profession. Have very good computing and statistical analysis skills. Currently working as an assistant lecturer.
On top of all things, they said only full semester long courses will work which means Baruch PreMFE courses will not be eligible.
Andy Nguyen
Andy Nguyen
The c++ is a 16-week course, a whole semester.
Yes thats true but the first condition applies ... No online or internet courses accepted. Period. Its very unfortunate, screws up my whole plan....
Hi Todd, I am doing my master's in statistics at Stanford first year. I am looking for a summer intern that relate to portfolio and trading. My focus for this year study is statistical learning and data mining. Can you help or suggest me where can I find those such internship? Thanks much.
Todd Fahey
Todd Fahey
Sorry, but I have no connectivity to internships. Your best route would be to contact your career assistance office.
Hi Andy. I talked to you before about the C++ programming course offered on this website. I am now ready to commit myself to this course. And I have pre-registered. Do you think I can get enrolled anytime soon? Or I have to finish level 1 and level 2 first?
Andy Nguyen
Andy Nguyen
Phoebe, you can enroll anytime as soon as you pay tuition. You don't have to finish level 1,2 first but you should be ready to start work on the HW as soon as you enroll.
Phoebe Huang
Thanks for the prompt reply =)
Hi Andy, I am a undergraduate stuent who is going to declare a major. I am interested in finance, physics, and math. My dream job is working as a quant. I am not sure if going to business school of USC or UCBerkerley and double major in math is a good choice. I can also take six computer classes to get a computer science minor. Or do you think getting a C++ certificate during or after education is enough. Thank you!
Andy Nguyen
Andy Nguyen
Thanks Andy, the link is really helpful. Since math and computer programming are both important, which one do you think should be chosen as the second major? (I only can choose one)
Hi andy. Gave my GRE today. got 317,q-163,v-154. GPA-4 and no work experience in Finance field. What all college can i look at.Pls guide me.
Cud u also tell me a bit about NUS-MFE and NUS-QF..scope of both the course. In d NUS-mfe site i saw the gre score req is it mandatory?
hey andy cud u pls rply asap..actually i need 2 start applying...
Andy Nguyen
Andy Nguyen
please see the QuantNet guide it has some coverage on Singaporean programs.
Hello BBW, I enjoy your posts. Do you have an email I can contact you regarding poor programs? I'm uh ... in my first term and uh ... well, it's going ok.
You can post here. Next time I log in I will try to reply (I am going to South America for a four week vacation so I can't guarantee when I will reply).
Hi Sir, I saw that you had posted a message about an Excel/C# newsreader. I had a similar idea. Is there any way that could get that Excel code from you so that I dont have to write my own code? Thanks,

you can email me at matthewcoxinvest (at)
Hey hey, my friend. I've been having some trouble getting in touch with you, so I'm giving this back-channel a shot. I just moved to Montréal, so it looks like I'll be living a lot closer to you. I can be reached through any of the contact information listed on my old UNC homepage. It would be great to talk to you. Been a long time, man! -- Dave Knott