Search results

  1. N

    What books are you currently reading?

    Investments: Alwaleed: Businessman, Billionaire, Prince
  2. N

    MSF Carey School of Business

    MSF Carey School of Business
  3. N

    Decisions about graduate education

    OP, honesty it doesn't matter where you go but what you do for your education once you get there, how much time you spend outside of class learning stuff on your own. Everyone tries to go to top program which there is nothing wrong with but everyone is cut the same. 3.9 gpa, Math, engineering...
  4. N

    Speculation trading book

    OP. If you want any of the books mention above I can get them for you in PDF cause those prices are insane.
  5. N

    Just curious

    What do you call a company that does PE/VC, real estate and is a hedge fund? Alternative asset management firm?
  6. N

    Master list of free financial data

    Does anyone know how far the Put/call ratio goes back to and where I can DL to an excel sheet?
  7. N

    Fixed income books

    Thanks for you reply. I think you might be right I am not in any rush so taking it slow might change my mind.
  8. N

    Fixed income books

    btw do most CFA books assume no prior knowledge?
  9. N

    Fixed income books

    Ok fair enough I will try to explain why. I think that the Tuckman book assumes you know introductory knowledge about bonds and pricing which I don't; my background is in equities. Now in my case some of these things I didn't know are easy to look for example why bonds are price in terms like...
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    Fixed income books

    I was wondering if anyone could recommend books that could introduce me to the subject of fixed income if I had no previous experience with it? I am looking for something that blends causal interest/reading with math only to clarify the concept at hand. I am looking to understand concepts like...
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    A film about var?

    This is a good movie I think. I just got done watching it
  12. N

    A film about var?

    is this out already?
  13. N

    Gauging Market sentiment

    Thanks for taking time out to find these links
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    Gauging Market sentiment

    Can you give a link or a name of the weekly indicator? I've seen plenty of time when bad/good econ data comes out and the market react as if they didn't know from the prelims (aka forecasts) what the outcome could be. but I understand your point about being subjective but anything and...
  15. N

    Gauging Market sentiment

    I might not know exactly what I am looking for but I know this is not it. You bring valid points I suppose but let me ask you this, how would you classify the consumer sentiment which has an effect on the markets? or the GDP numbers or the CPI number. these have more of an affect on the market...
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    Gauging Market sentiment

    Yeah I understand those variables but I want something a little more in depth. also something possibly quantifiable. Also that example applies more to company vs company. I am looking for overall market variables
  17. N

    Gauging Market sentiment

    I am a not a quant but I wondering about how would a quant possibly quantify market sentiment? I mean first of all what would they even look at in terms of variables? Put/call or VIX, margins, institutional interest, etc. How would one possibly model market sentiment? I'm asking this because I...
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    Tiger moms and paper tigers

    OR maybe your case could be a out of the norm, you can only speak from your POV. None the less everyone has an opportunity to go out an make the life they want.
  19. N

    Any Equity Researchers on QuantNet

    What do you mean by writing sample? A small equity report?
  20. N

    Any Equity Researchers on QuantNet

    Thanks for the reply and I liked the fact you recommended books without being asked. I will look into them both.
  21. N

    Any Equity Researchers on QuantNet

    I know the community of quantnet usually focuses on MFE an other quant related topics but I was just curious as to if there were any good of fashion macro to micro equity researchers on the site? I wanted to try and get some insight to how they do their research and to some of the things they...
  22. N

    New to the Site! Advice!!!!

    Andy come on brah was this even useful? However I agree with the rest of your response. SouthBayRider I would keep talking to people on this site and also I would try to speak with someone in the MFE department.
  23. N

    Energy, mainly

    DominiConnor, now this is the type of answer I was looking for. Thanks a lot.
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    Energy, mainly

    I'm sorry, I thought this part of the sentence"anyone in the community could suggest the best way to learn about the energy market as a whole and the industry" or this part of the sentence " I am not sure where to begin. Any advice would be greatly appreciated" but DominiConnor to be...
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    Energy, mainly

  26. N

    Energy, mainly

    I was wondering if anyone in the community could suggest the best way to learn about the energy market as a whole and the industry. I would like to do some independent analysis for fun on these markets and understand it from a macro-micro prospective however I am not sure where to...
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    are they dynamic or flat? matter of fact what exactly are their commissions?
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    what are the commissions like?
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    I am looking for a new discount broker house and I was just curious about what brokers Quantnet members use to trade stocks and why?
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    What books are you currently reading?

    How is the options, futures and other Derivatives book? is it really design for people with limited math background?
  31. N

    Customized Excel

    Excel actually is very powerful, I've seen 3D gaming engines built in excel.
  32. N

    What books are you currently reading?

    My own worst enemy: 19 ways we defeat ourselves Random walk down wall street More money than god Intelligent investor Irrational exuberance Demon of our own design
  33. N

    Natural Language Processing and Quant Jobs?

    Where can I find information on technology using semantic parsing on news feeds to generate signals? I am alway interested in trading technology outside of the world of general stat arb. or typical HFT methods
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    Trading Internship

    Np, At the end of day it basically is whether or not you can stand out. I went to a non-target school, has a GPA way below 3.8-4.0 and had an undergrad degree in software engineering. Because I spent time during my undergrad learning about finance, investing and money management on my own time...
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    Trading Internship

    I think your first question should be to ask yourself what do you bring to the table that makes you standout for a trading internship. I say forget Resume/CV as your focus, everyone and their mom takes that approach. I suggest think outside the box my friend get creative. GL
  36. N

    Books on Behavioral finance/Investing

    Thanks everyone for the suggestions.
  37. N

    Books on Behavioral finance/Investing

    Tsotne, thanks, yeah from what I've seen from the search inside feature on Amazon this could work. I was actually looking for non-mathematical books. I just wanted to pick up a book on the subject and keep reading, I don't want to stop to review mathematical equations. Something E-Z to read but...
  38. N

    Books on Behavioral finance/Investing

    I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of a good book on behavioral finance/investing. I would like a book that is considered a good read and could get me thinking about the subject.
  39. N

    This Made me LOL

  40. N

    Quantnet's Trip to Hunter Mountain Ski Resort

    Lol, SB and doing flips is cool and fun until you break an arm or twist a kneecap. Than its not so much fun. Sure you laugh at it later but when your in pain not so much.
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    Quantnet's Trip to Hunter Mountain Ski Resort

    For all the SB's out there, if you not pulling off stuff like this well.....why bother. PS. I ask myself the same question, LOL. " Motivation "
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    Starting Crude Oil and Coal Technical Analysis

    @joy Do you have links, papers or books?
  43. N

    Programming innocence - just say "Fcuk it"

    Agree Good find Andy, cause some days I feel like that to the point I am like why did I go to school for this, who would want to be a programmer. Than I think about the creativity it offers, which brings me back time after time.
  44. N

    What are your favorite Wall-street themed movies?

    Thanks for looking Andy.
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    What are your favorite Wall-street themed movies?

    Anyone So no one knows where I can find the movie, "Inside job"?
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    What are your favorite Wall-street themed movies?

    What about this movie Does anyone know where I can find this movie to watch either on-line or buy? seems like a good Doc to watch Inside Job - Movie Website for the Documentary Film
  47. N

    Are there any open source financial software projects out there

    I wanted to know if members in the Quantnet community had to develop a trading system on top of a current open-source platform that has an active community as far as updating goes what software would you choose other than Markecetera?
  48. N

    Undergraduate needs suggestions/help!

    MFHQ Honestly, I was in the same boat as you, our goals are pretty much the same in what we want to do short-term and long-term. I played around on the MFHQ site for about 2hrs and it provided me with all the information I needed to know about MSF programs, such as what I should look for in a...
  49. N

    What are your favorite Wall-street themed movies?

    Not sure if anyone has found it but here it is anyway. If you want to watch special feature sorry. If you want to watch the floored doc here you go FLOORED Episode 1 | Babelgum
  50. N

    Mathematics for non math savvy

    I agree with everything you mention except the last sentence. Why do people automatically assume, just because you struggle or hate something you shouldn't do it? Maybe people hate things because they struggle with them or don't understand. This doesn't mean they shouldn't do it or learn it if...
  51. N

    Does a 3.47 who loves quant get a chance?

    Lol Yeah, what Alex K. said. The new so called geeks/quants can balance a career and a social life. People don't seem to understand that having people skills is just as important as being able to do quantitative analysis. If you really want it, it doesn't matter what GPA you have or where you...
  52. N

    Anyone watching Wallstreet 2?

    I just got back from seeing WS2 and I have to say I enjoyed it, I mean I have been waiting for a long time to see it. They could have done without the love story, but the movie was what I expected. Some of the reference situations where right one and some of them were over the top. What can I...
  53. N

    Are there any open source financial software projects out there

    Daniel, Yeah at first I was not exactly sure about the quantlib, it seem like quantlib was something for people who are really strong in financial engineering concepts. I was just looking for something to get my "Feet" wet not get involved with crazy pricing models just yet.
  54. N

    Are there any open source financial software projects out there

    Since I have no experience with professional base code projects do you think it's a good ideal to look into After looking at Marketcetera it seems that it is done in java. Tradelink, allows for development in many languages but doesn't seem as organized as Marketcetera or...
  55. N

    Are there any open source financial software projects out there

    Thanks for the leads, I've look at them and decided that I could have some fun with these.
  56. N

    Are there any open source financial software projects out there

    Does anyone know a good place to start looking for current and active open source software financial projects? I am looking to get involved with a team and gain some experience with professional code and software development and test my knowledge and learn some new things. My current experience...
  57. N

    Some advice please

    Connor, My short-time goal is as you mention would be to end up as analyst at a firm or IB bank. I would rather work at which ever one has a smaller environment so I have the change to find a mentor. My long-term goal would be to go out on my own and take those skill I've learned and do my...
  58. N

    Some advice please

    What can the members of QN recommend for someone who is looking to break into finance world, that comes from a technical background but wants a non-technical role? I don't really care if I go for a position on the bottom of the financial job "pole". I just want to break into a non-technical role...
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    Former Goldman quant spills secret

    I recently had a chance to speak to a quant at he confirmed that things do get crazy on the street. He mention to me and a couple of other people that before things started to get bad for a joke he started to keep a journal and little items from his past. I asked jokingly why does he feel the...
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    Excel interop The server threw an exception. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010105 (charting in excel)

    Sometimes, I am too. but this is what I do, solve problems through code.
  61. N

    Excel interop The server threw an exception. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010105 (charting in excel)

    I wish that this was possible, but the firm I am interning for wanted all of the data to be fed in and calculated through excel from c#.
  62. N

    Excel interop The server threw an exception. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010105 (charting in excel)

    Thanks, for taking time out to help with this issue. I've already narrowed it down to the COM, but because I am getting exceptions "out the hole" it hard to figure out what is causing the certain exception to be thrown. I spent days looking at a lot of the information you have sent and have had...
  63. N

    Excel interop The server threw an exception. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010105 (charting in excel)

    I am currently trying to chart my S&P, M2, CC data in excel, through C#. However my code keeps crashing at this line below and throwing this kind of error (The server threw an exception. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010105 (RPC_E_SERVERFAULT))) Excel.ChartObject myChart =...
  64. N

    Is a MFE program really for me?

    I totally agree with you, we all want to be good at finance but as far as each of us having a niche we don't. we have specialized in different things in our majors, for example I have done a descent amount of work with neural nets and another one of my friends have done a good amount with...
  65. N

    best C++ beginner book

    Honestly, I don't believe it matters what language you start with the concepts are all the same. I had never programed before I got into college. I came from a high school were our highest computer class was MS office. When I went to college I was thrown into C++ right off the back and I some...
  66. N

    Historical prices in Datastream

    Curious about Thomas Reuters Is this datastream for Thomas Reuters a live feed of some sort? If I was looking to pull live data to my neural network for research purpose could this place be a solution?
  67. N

    Historical prices in Datastream

    When you mean when you say dataStream? do you mean you have taken the pagesource and pushed the html code into a stream you created? Cause I might have solution if you reading off a website pagesource.
  68. N

    Is a MFE program really for me?

    I'm actually a strong software engineering major and the kind of firm of i would to start with my friends in 10 yrs or so is an investment firm possibly more on the lines of VC/stock investing. Both of my friends are software engineering major, so all three of us have done a good amount of...
  69. N

    Is a MFE program really for me?

    @conner Well let me be honest my true goal in the future is to run my own firm with a couple of friends who are into finance/investing just as much as me. I spoke with a couple of school and they had mention to me that most people who go an major and MFE don't venture out to start their own...
  70. N

    Is a MFE program really for me?

    So what advice are you offering? I already know all the things that you have mention
  71. N

    Is a MFE program really for me?

    I am about to graduate soon and I'm looking to start planning out my next move. I started thinking about possible trying to get into a MFE programming but I'm not sure how much work I'm willing to prepare for cause I don't know how much work is really required. I will be graduating with a degree...
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