BARUCH MFE roomates

  • Thread starter Thread starter rajanS
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you're going to be in school for a year so get a year lease. Also very hard to bail-out unless you're okay with loosing the security deposit.

Joy... do you know about these places where they go month-to-month... no contracts... ?
Yes it definitely looks interesting. But how big are the rooms? I will call tomorrow and find out. But the price seems unrealistic.

Well... it is not that unrealistic... the 125/week = 500/month price is for Upper East side... Harlem area I believe.. Midtown area is ~ 200/week = 800/month... and you only get a private room (not super big) and shared kitchen + bathroom... but I can do with that I believe... the huge PLUS is that it is month-to-month... and hence no contract...
I am looking for 2 roommates, preferably at least one female, to share an apartment in Manhattan. Location wise, I am quite flexible. I'm open to anywhere lower than 96th St on the east side and anywhere lower than 59th on the west. My budget is $1000-$1200. Room size isn't a big issue for me. Cleanness is a must, but I'm not a neat freak. ;) Oh, I prefer to start the lease in September but I'm flexible about that too.

I think we can get a good deal if we look for a 2br-converted 3BR in Alphabetic city, wall street area or UES.

wait, in September? no, I am looking for June. I wanted to go to the refresher seminars.
wait, in September? no, I am looking for June. I wanted to go to the refresher seminars.

Like @Jessica, I am also looking for lease starting in September... Raj... can you not look into these monthly/weekly options until then? ... what say?
Well... it is not that unrealistic... the 125/week = 500/month price is for Upper East side... Harlem area I believe.. Midtown area is ~ 200/week = 800/month... and you only get a private room (not super big) and shared kitchen + bathroom... but I can do with that I believe... the huge PLUS is that it is month-to-month... and hence no contract...
gosh yea. sounds good. now, can you bring a roomate with you to live in the same place or will they place you separately?
You should also check out apartments in Queens (Astoria... very nice place) or Brooklyn.
I live in Brooklyn (Midwood) and it would take me 40-45 mins to get to Baruch.
How is Harlem nowadays? I heard its not as difficult as it used to be, but I am not sure...
I commute from Midwood to Baruch -- by car it can be more like 25 mins. Train is a pain because you have to transfer to the 6.
Like @Jessica, I am also looking for lease starting in September... Raj... can you not look into these monthly/weekly options until then? ... what say?
hm. ok i can try. I have a car too. Parking in ny is impossible. you know living in nj isn't so bad at all. It feels kind of like an outskirts to the city. I think I might prefer to live out of new york since I like driving.
I went to one of those 2 bedrooms converted into 3 bedrooms in brooklyn. Its really small. And yes, just to be on a safe side, I would prefer not to sign any lease because in case a job opportunity comes up in ny, I would love to be able to move closer to the job
I commute from Midwood to Baruch -- by car it can be more like 25 mins. Train is a pain because you have to transfer to the 6.
You have two options, either the Q/B and transfer to 6, or the F to 23rd and then walk two blocks.
Either way it takes 40-45 mins.
If you like walking, you can walk from Union Square to Baruch (a 10 min walk).
You can drive to Baruch, don't know if it's the cheaper way.
I went to one of those 2 bedrooms converted into 3 bedrooms in brooklyn. Its really small. And yes, just to be on a safe side, I would prefer not to sign any lease because in case a job opportunity comes up in ny, I would love to be able to move closer to the job

Exactly! That's why I also prefer monthly rentals... :)
Thanks! So you take the (6) from 110/103/96 St and get off at the 23/28 St? Could you let us know the size of you studio (sq. feet)?
116th street.

I couldn't tell you the exact square footage of the studio. If I had to roughly guestimate I'd say a little more than twice the size of Joy's room (however big that is...)
isn't too early to find a place now? I mean most listings will be filled in 2-4 weeks max.
Depends on what your timeline is.

What you tend to find is that when you arrive at a listing you are typically the 8th person there and two people have already handed in deposit checks (as in sorry, you're too late). You have maybe 10-20 minutes to act on a fresh craigslist ad to reserve as early as possible a time to check the place out (arrive at least 30 minutes early because other people do) and bring all the necessary documentation with you already. My advice is to find yourself housing early because it is a giant pain in the @#$ trying to find anything decent on manhattan. It's a seller's market, and demand is much greater than supply, thus forcing you to be much more proactive should you hope to be successful.
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