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Best C++ for experienced VBA/PHP developer


I read through a bunch of the post and I couldn't find anything that specifically referenced this question, but I was looking for a book that would attack C++ from the perspective of someone who understands the basic principles of OOP. At this point I know the Excel/VBA "system" inside and out and make regular calls to the win API. But still, I know that the "system" is doing most of the work and I don't want a book thats going to explain the difference to me between for and for each loops or what boolean or integers are. I want to hit the ground running with what makes it different, how do you get a UI around it, and I would need to know more about the features (and perils) of the language and where its best employed. Also are we talking about C++ under the .Net framework or what? I am sure there is a good book to address my level of ignorance. I love this forum and appreciate the feedback and guidance people here provide.

I know I requested C++ but the best books for R and Matlab for my level are probably good too.


Since you already have some experience with the Windows API, you might enjoy Windows via C/C++ by Jeffrey Richter and Christophe Nasarre. Most definitely not a beginner's book, it immediately delves into the nitty-gritty of Windows development such as threads and processes. All the behind-the-scenes plumbling which attaches code to the UI is covered, and there is plenty of example code.

By the way, I would encourage you not to start off learning .NET with C++. (Usually referred to as C++/CLI for Common Language Infrastructure). This will throw in added complications with no real benefit at the early stages. Most .Net code is being written in C#.
By the way, I would encourage you not to start off learning .NET with C++. (Usually referred to as C++/CLI for Common Language Infrastructure).

Let me add something to this. If you are programming in C++, I will recommend you to NEVER use managed C++ and to stay far far away from the .Net API if possible.
If you are interested or working in finance get Mark Joshi's book and do all the projects there. It's a pretty solid book and he doesn't explain for loops over there, but covers main concepts of OOP and shows how to use them in real life applications.
@Uncle Max,

Thanks for the suggestion I will investigate it as well...

As for the C++ via CLI thanks for clarifying that. It was something that was bugging me on whether the programmers here were using the .Net or were using it unmanaged.