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University of Chicago - MS in Financial Mathematics

Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Admission Discussion

I will tell you with 100% certainty that it is almost impossible to get a job at a “top hedge fund” 90% of these people that are top students graduating from these top programs are ending up at banks, asset management firms etc. and not at hedge funds. Most people don’t get a job at a hedge fund ever, and if they do, they get the job at the hedge fund a decade later after a bank trained them. Just letting you know because as you’re wondering there legitimately is very few opportunities for anyone at a hedge fund let alone new grads without a phd.
Yeah this is 100% accurate, very few people even get into prop trading or asset management from what I've seen on Linkedin etc. I saw your enrollment into NC State. Would love to get your view on why you're choosing to go there. Any way to connect?
Does anyone know whether the final decision for waitlist candidates is rolled out week after week until May 10 or all in one go at some particular date around May 10?
Looking at last year it appears that admits from the waitlist happened on a rolling basis. Some got admitted as early as only 1 week after getting waitlisted. This year could be different though.

I’m curious if anyone knows what the waitlist conversion has been historically?
Does anyone have a vague idea on how waitlist candidates are generally accepted/rejected ? Does the admissions committee have a sorted list of preferred candidates or applicants are reviewed again or maybe is it random from the waitlist batch? Any thoughts are greatly appreciated !!
My checklist went from 2 to 1. Not an international student though, havent heard or seen anything else. Applied rd2
My checklist went from 2 to 1. Not an international student though, havent heard or seen anything else. Applied rd2
What does this mean. I don’t know what to look for. I just have checks next to all my stuff. Sorry if this is a silly Q