Columbia University - MA in Mathematics of Finance

Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion

Has anyone who applied to Columbia MAFN program received an email yet...? If not, you're not alone, so keep your fingers crossed...
I was accepted yesterday.

I was also accepted to Cornell program.
Thanks Andy!!!!

Baruch rejected me.

But now Amsterdam approved me as well...
Their application deadline is May 31, meaning they are giving out acceptances before receiving all applications?
Congrats niski.

Did they let you know via Email or regular mail? How long did they give you to decide?
btw, are the decisions made on a rolling basis? Anyone has any idea? Thank you!
Yes. That should be evident by their May 31 deadline. Baruch has rolling decision. CMU has different rounds. NYU does not have rolling decision. All their admits come well after the Feb deadline, in most case starting April. This year, they give out decision starting in March.

As always, if you have admit from other programs and deadline to answer to, the best way is to contact them to ask for an early decision. Some programs will not oblige but you should always ask.
thank you~ Andy!

I am not an applicant for this year, but considering applying next year. So just wanna get ahead and hear others' experience.
congrats niski! If you choose MAFN we might be in the same class since I've also been accepted.

The decision is given in an email in which they also ask you to accept or not their offer within less than 15 days ( 22 march in my case)
ajbgt: Thanks! And I guess that Akilis answered your question.

Andy: You mean that NYU is giving out their decisions starting in March this year? How do you know that? :)

Akilis: I really don´t know yet if I´m going to Columbia. I´m more inclined to accept Cornell´s invitation. I know that MAFN is a mathematical biased program and since I was trained as a mathematician this would make things more easy and natural to me. But I could not find any statistics regarding jobs positions after the program and it seems that they don´t help students to find jobs like other programs. So, as I´m really thinking
in making some money in short time, I guess that Cornell´s (or NYU if I got accepted) will be a better deal for me. I also don´t like very much the "Master of Arts" title, it seems weaker than a "Masters of Science" title, at least to me, but that could be due my ignorance.

I would like to read some thoughts about this...
Hi Niski and Akilis, Congrat! Did they interview you or they just gave the offer without interview?

bsong: there is no interview

niski: I understand your point of view and I can't really say wether the master at Cornell or NYU is better than the one at Columbia . In fact i really don't know ! However, I do know some people who are currently attending the MAFN and I 'll ask them about the kind of jobs and careers one can have after the master. (in fact each year, two or three people from my school go to the MAFN, and I have only heared one time about a student from my school who could not find any job in NY after the master and who had to come back to France. It was last year ).
Bsong: No interviews.

Akilis, please dont forget to ask your friends also about salaries :)
In case anyone is wondering about Toronto results, mine arrived today.
Got accepted :) what a honour!

So since my payment,

Toronto took 76 days
Amsterdam took 75
Columbia took 74
Cornell took 55
York took 53

Baruch took 46 (Reject)
Hi Niski, If you decide to go to Cornell, we could be sitting in the same classroom. I am still waiting for Columbia.

Rutgers - admit
Cornell - admit
Columbia - pending
CMU - pending
NYU - pending
UMichigan - pending

Boston - withdrew (after above admitted)

Baruch - reject
Thanks for the reminder Andy.

Also, can you tell me how do you know that Courant will be announcing theirs results in mid March not April?
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