Alain, as one of the (prior) offenders, I can see where the other prospective students are coming from. I think the problem is that:
1. When you call the Baruch department asking for help (or go to the website), you are led here with vague promises of advice. People then see this board as a place to get that kind of advice.
2. There are lots of threads on "what should I do", and so everyone thinks it's OK to add one about themselves.
I like your goal of where to go with the forum, so may I suggest the following:
1. There is already a wiki with descriptions of programs. Direct people there to add testimonials, placement information, course structure, etc.
2. Whenever someone puts up a post about "what about my this program?" make sure they go to the wiki first, and tell them to search the forums to add any relevant threads on their program there with a small annotation.
3. Move OT posts about "how is this program" and "how about me" into their own threads as they come up.
Although I'm a newcomer here, I'm also a new student at Baruch, and I'm willing to help police these policies once they're fully formed.
This way, we build a body of knowledge about each program in one centralized location that allows people to both educate themselves on the topic and find such discussions more easily. It should also reduce that kind of traffic over time.
There's no reason to stop there with the wiki, of course; think of how wikipedia is designed; a lot of the content is thinly veiled opinion (many pages have a "pro" and "con", which are not objective at all) -- the same could be done with questions about programming languages, required study topics, etc. on the wiki. The advantage of putting content on the wiki instead of in the forum is the structure.
I'm sure you have been reading the forum for some time, right? Then, you probably notice that we can't give any type of advice regarding any school besides Baruch.
From my point of view, the issue here is that I don't want QN to become another Global Derivative but a place where discussion and professional advice (finance related, work specific, etc) are the main concern. Any topic that reads like "Eval my profile", "where school should I go?", "should I take this job?", etc, shouldn't have place in this forum because everybody is different and they will look at the world with a different set of eyes. Maybe I'm older and I see everything from a different stand point but that is just my opinion.
Believe me, Andy won't ever give you advice regarding which school to go besides Baruch (we share the same opinion regarding this) . That decision should be only yours so in case you don't like it, you don't blame somebody else for it. Again, as long as you are good (and a little bit of luck), it really won't matter which school you go or which program you attend. This only applies to this field though. It might be different in other fields (I know it is really different in Law and MBAs).