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Free book: Careers in Financial Market

As someone who writes a longer guide to getting a quant job I of course read it, and the style is very different.
Given that Baruch grads are the sort of people we wanbt to attract, would anyone who has read both care to share what they think about they way eFinancialNews do this ?
As someone who writes a longer guide to getting a quant job I of course read it, and the style is very different.
Given that Baruch grads are the sort of people we wanbt to attract, would anyone who has read both care to share what they think about they way eFinancialNews do this ?

I've read both.
eFinancialCareers guide is more like an advertisement booklet about the Financial Industry while yours tends to be more like an interview preparation manual for financial engineers (aka quants). The only thing I like in eFinancial manual is that it describes briefly different sectors of the Industry: how this sector works, what kind of positions available, who the largest employers etc.
Apparently, they update the guide every year. The guide I posted in the first link is 06-07 guide and the one referred by iosawke is 07-08. The direct link will point to the latest guide.

Luckily, I saved a copy of the 06-07 guide earlier so I will post both versions here.

