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House Harkonnen - the Dune discussion

In regards to seeing the future, it was interesting in that Muad'dib couldn't see the future with any sort of certainty. He was merely able to see the possibilities.
Right, but it was some sort of higher dimensional probability density of future possibilities. Especially towards the later books, there was
a sense that Muad'dib and Leto had explored the possibilities to their end and saw no surprises in the future.
Paul wasn't the true kwisatz haderach, you have to remember that he was one generation too soon, Leto II was the "true" kwisatz haderach, and his abilities far outstripped Pauls. Leto's prescience was much more clear.
I read Dune back in 2001, it seems a re-read is in order. I've forgotten some of the more subtle plots/twists