iPad, do you iWant?

Anyone seriously considers buying that iPad?
Seeing that a sizable number of members here have iPhone, or fans of Apple, I'm curious to see if they will iWant that?

I am waiting for 2.0 if they make it more like a Netbook Tablet. I need USB, and ability to run useful applications and softwares. I would buy an apple iNet(book). 10.5 inch.

Otherwise seems like a large iPod Touch with possible add-on 3G etc.
I've read somewhere that the iPad doesn't support multitasking. Wouldn't that be a necessary feature ?
I'm struggling to see what the killer app benefits are to the consumer who may already have an iPhone and a MacBook Pro. It's not something you can carry in your pocket!
I would rather buy large Kindle for reading books, and do everything else on my laptop/blackberry. iPad is bulky, with low battery life and very simple functionality. Add on a top of that its price and you will get the product which only suits Apple fashionistas.
I'll wait. It seems the iPad is short on features. The only thing I was looking for really hard was the ability to take notes with pen like device. It doesn't have it so I am sort of dissapointed.
Nobody has the killer app (that is, appliance) yet. When the iPhone / iPod / iPad / Kindle / netbook singularity happens, I will buy. Until then, I'll make phone calls on my crappy little cell phone, destroy what remains of my hearing with my iPod, and let everyone else get carpal tunnel with their tiny keyboards.
I have a feeling this will be similar to the 8GB iPhone FAIL that first came out.

Waiting on a 2nd generation iPad before considering.
I've used a non-multitasking phone and found it mildly irritating, a full computer like that would be a pretty toy, not a tool.

As the pre-sales show, there is a good market for pretty toys, bought a few myself, but not from Apple.

I have a Sony ebook reader, which has an essentially infinite battery life and weighs very little. If I drop it, it does not break (tested the hard way), and if it does break, it's cheap enough that my heart does not break with it.

I don't need (or even really want) windows on a handheld, but existing mobile Windows falls below what I require in functionality, the iPad has less functionality than that.

I'm a mobile worker, sometimes it can be weeks between getting to base, so ought to be the primary target for business use, but I can't see how I could go more than a day or so with the iPad without needing a real computer.

If there is a clusterfuck over this, I think it's going to be warranty arguments....

I take it we all know that robustness and strength goes up as the square of dimensions, but weight goes up as the cube.

That means a device which in some ways a scaled up iPhone won't be as tolerant of drops and other impacts. I'd bet serious money there is an "impact sensor" in the iPad, just like the famously over sensitive moisture sensor in the iPhone.

People will find that their shiny new toy has stopped working and will be told "you dropped it sir, sorry". Some will have dropped it, to be sure, but I think we know that the sensor will be set to a level that voids as many warranties as Apple thinks they can get away with.
A list of some of the potential players in the tablet market. The iPad is looking more like a damm RIPOFF

JooJoo JooJoo

HP Slate HPs Windows 7 Slate Strikes at the iPad | Gadget Lab | Wired.com

Dell Tablet Dells iPad | Gadget Lab | Wired.com

WePad WePad - Designed in Germany | WePad

Google Chromium Tablet Tablet (The Chromium Projects)

Notion Ink Adam Notion Ink Adam Tablet Caught On Video, Specs Finalized - ADAM - Gizmodo

Archos 7 & 8 Home Tablet ARCHOS

ICD 'Gemini' Tablet ICD's Tegra 2-powered Gemini is the most feature-complete tablet we've seen yet -- Engadget

NB: I did not include eReaders like the Barnes & Nobles Nook, Amazon Kindle and Sony Ereaders
A list of some of the potential players in the tablet market. The iPad is looking more like a damm RIPOFF

JooJoo JooJoo

HP Slate HPs Windows 7 Slate Strikes at the iPad | Gadget Lab | Wired.com

Dell Tablet Dells iPad | Gadget Lab | Wired.com

WePad WePad - Designed in Germany | WePad

Google Chromium Tablet Tablet (The Chromium Projects)

Notion Ink Adam Notion Ink Adam Tablet Caught On Video, Specs Finalized - ADAM - Gizmodo

Archos 7 & 8 Home Tablet ARCHOS

ICD 'Gemini' Tablet ICD's Tegra 2-powered Gemini is the most feature-complete tablet we've seen yet -- Engadget

NB: I did not include eReaders like the Barnes & Nobles Nook, Amazon Kindle and Sony Ereaders

Absolutely great list...

I have been looking for a good I-Padish system. I am not an apple fan so was waiting for a good competitor...Rumor around the RIM factory is that a Blackberry tablet will be out soon too.

Notion Ink Adam Tablet Caught On Video, Specs Finalized - ADAM - Gizmodo

ICD's Tegra 2-powered Gemini is the most feature-complete tablet we've seen yet -- Engadget

I think I might get one of the above. They look amazing. Everything the i-pad offers , plus everything the ipad does not offer. Only downside is...not having access to the amazing Application List that AppleStore provides.
I am happily using the IPAD. I use it for reading PDF's, academic papers and magazines. It is a wonderful for email and social media also. Might be a little costly, but I have an Iphone so I appreciate its simplicity.

On a side note, I have never owned something that causes so much animosity among the general public. I think it is pretty silly actually. I have an Iphone and enjoy it, but I don't look down on or think people who own other phones are foolish. Everyone hates Steve Jobs, but he just puts out a stylish product. Some Apple fanatics are annoying, but to each their own. I think there are many more important things in this world to dislike or disagree with. Frankly, who cares what people use.
How coincidental that whilst reading this thread I've just been asked to order another Ipad :).
Our sales and marketing team use them for displaying portfolios to clients and it seems to go down well.
We are sponsoring the ARPM seminar at Baruch next week (August 16-21) and I'm looking to get an iPad for people to sign up for our newsletter.
Not feeling like buying a brand new iPad just for this purpose so if we can't find anyone who can lend it for a few days, we will just going with a couple of laptops.
I'm waiting to see what HP comes out with in Q1 2011. I'm a sucker for WebOS, the software is amazing.

Hoping that HP can fix the hardware problems Palm had with the Pre and maybe throw some more funds at these mobile projects to really compete with Apple/Google.

That said, I'm not holding my breath but I at least want to see it before I purchase one of these. If the WebOS disappoints then I'll be looking at an android device. This is still months away though.
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