iPhone: coolest gadget of the year?

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About the only thing that makes any difference there is the battery life, the other stuff is bogus.
I refuse to get an iPhone because I don't need it :) The work blackberry and my personal phone are sufficient. Perhaps not the right reply on this thread, but here goes ...

I think judgement on necessity is missed by a lot of people. They get excited about the amount of features crammed into the device, but do they really need it? Does it really make a difference if it's 4 megapixel or 5 megapixel camera? In the end, they still lose the resolution when the picture is uploaded on a website.
You see them with a fancy phone, an iPod, an iPhone, MP3 player and a blackberry from work. Functionality overlaps so they are paying monthly fees for same service.

I think mobile devices will develop a lot in the future and they will fade out regular desktops. However I am waiting for real useful functionality, for instance I am waiting to replace my laptop with an iPhone style device ;) ...
I refuse to get an iPhone because I don't need it :) The work blackberry and my personal phone are sufficient. Perhaps not the right reply on this thread, but here goes ...

Good for you. Some people don't see that way. They want the new toy.

I think judgement on necessity is missed by a lot of people. They get excited about the amount of features crammed into the device, but do they really need it? Does it really make a difference if it's 4 megapixel or 5 megapixel camera? In the end, they still lose the resolution when the picture is uploaded on a website.

Necessity is in the eye of the beholder. We are living in a society where there is a choice to do whatever you want. If some people want to have one iphone, one BB, an iPad and whatever else, good for them!! as long as they can afford it, they are not hurting anybody. Your post sounds more like jealousy than anything else.

You see them with a fancy phone, an iPod, an iPhone, MP3 player and a blackberry from work. Functionality overlaps so they are paying monthly fees for same service.

If they have the money and they want to have all those toys, why not? they don't hurt you, right? OTOH, they are helping the economy by spending on those toys. If they can, more power to them.

I think mobile devices will develop a lot in the future and they will fade out regular desktops. However I am waiting for real useful functionality, for instance I am waiting to replace my laptop with an iPhone style device ;) ...

Whatever is useful for you, might not be as useful for them and viceversa. Everybody is their own little world.
Necessity is in the eye of the beholder. We are living in a society where there is a choice to do whatever you want. If some people want to have one iphone, one BB, an iPad and whatever else, good for them!! as long as they can afford it, they are not hurting anybody. Your post sounds more like jealousy than anything else.
If they have the money and they want to have all those toys, why not? they don't hurt you, right? OTOH, they are helping the economy by spending on those toys. If they can, more power to them.

No jealousy, I could buy them all, this is just my opinion. I don't really care what people choose to buy. In general it's good if money are invested one way or another in technology.
However I still have the right to choose what I feel important. I always like to keep the big image and see if a certain service is something useful in 1 year or 3 years. For instance, if there are 100 card games available for iPhone, I apologize if I am not excited when game 101 is added :)
I think judgement on necessity is missed by a lot of people.

You are implicitly judging people when you post something like this. Let them be.

I don't really care what people choose to buy

The fact that you decided to post your opinion, it means that you do.

However I still have the right to choose what I feel important.

Whatever is important to you, might not be important for somebody else.
You are implicitly judging people when you post something like this. Let them be.
The fact that you decided to post your opinion, it means that you do.
Whatever is important to you, might not be important for somebody else.

Come on Alain I am not saying what other people should do. I am just expressing an opinion. Of course it's subjective and of course it can be wrong and right at same time. The same way another user can say iPhone is great or Android is the best. I don't see an issue with that.
It's a preference and I consider their arguments.

Necessity is just one factor I wanted to bring to the discussion. I never said that it's important to everybody. Perhaps there are a few other people that find it interesting to step back and ask:
What am really using this gadget for?

PS: Sorry about ending the phrase with a preposition:)
I don't have an iphone and I don't plan to have one anytime soon.
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