iPhone: coolest gadget of the year?

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I'm sure you all hear about this already but I'm pretty psyched about this sexy phone! A bit expensive but I think it's definitely worth it!
Are you gonna get this baby soon, Hien ?

Pretty slick, I gotta admit. Only if we can afford. (MSRP starts at$499 and is exclusive for AT&T first). This should good to double as phone + Ipod.

By the way, Max sent me a link last night about the Cisco's trademark lawsuit over the name iPhone. Maybe Apply will change it to iHone instead
This is a low cost alternative to the expensive iPhone !

The phone won't be available until June since they still need to get approval from the FCC. I'm salivating over it! If it was available on the same day of the announcement I would have probably ordered it impulsively! I've been itching to get a new gadget...:-k

If I had to change the name of iPhone, I'd call it Apple Phone, just like their other product, Apple TV. Anyways, they really did reinvent the phone! It's just so cool some of the new features. The ability to have random access to your v-mail is just awesome. :thumbsup:
The things I don't like about the iPhone are some priority features:

MP3 player: iTunes only
Cell phone: Cingular only
Chat tools: I guess no MSN&Co

We will see what happens. I was also impressed by the presentation, but somehow I don't have a desire to buy it. I will wait for the Blackberry Pearl with 26 keys to come out. ;)
my personal opinion on the looks only: the Blackberry 8830 looks a lot more sophisticated and professional than the iPhone.

And for whatever reason, I'm not impressed by the iPhone in any way -- maybe just don't feel it.:smt102
I tried the BB Pearl and I didn't like it. The BB 8830 looks much better. I do need the full keyboard!! However, I still love my Treo.

I'm just waiting for the software RIM announced couple of days ago. That will let me use my Treo with the BB infrastructure. I'm tired of carrying two PDAs with me everywhere + my luggage...err... backpack (you know the size of that "thing")
Blackberry 8830 looks more impressive to me :)
I don't know about iPhone, nice picture but thats all I can tell.
BB8830 will be released to Verizon first on May 14th. http://estore.vzwshop.com/blackberry/
The picture you saw above is of an 8800 model. The 8830 is supposedly a better version. It will be the first World edition Blackberry.

The new BlackBerry 8830 World Edition smartphone packs the latest features into a stylish global device and offers the following capabilities and features:
- EV-DO/GPRS network connection for high-speed data transfer in more than 60 countries
- GSM/GPRS (900/1800 MHz) for continued voice and e-mail while traveling internationally
- Auto-selection of CDMA/GSM Mode
- Thin form factor of just 14mm for both style and easy handling
- New Trackball navigation system
- Media player
- Expandable memory option with microSD(TM) card (sold separately)
- Speakerphone
- Bluetooth(R) capabilities for certain profiles inclusive of hands-free, dial-up networking and serial port
- Speaker Independent Voice Recognition (SIVR) for Voice Activated Dialing (VAD)
- Instant Messaging capabilities for quick and easy communication
The BlackBerry 8830 World Edition smartphone will be available in May for $299.99 after a $100 rebate with a new two-year customer agreement. An
additional $100 credit toward the purchase of the device is available for customers who sign up for qualifying voice and data plans at the time of
Customers signing up for Global BlackBerry service will get unlimited e- mail in the United States, Canada and more than 60 countries worldwide
for $64.99 monthly access with a qualifying voice plan, or for $69.99 monthly access without a voice plan. Customers can also add a "Pay As You
Go" data feature to any qualifying voice plan for an additional $20 per Megabyte. Customers wanting to use the BlackBerry 8830 for e-mail solely in
the U.S. may opt for an unlimited e-mail plan beginning at $49.99 monthly access.
One big advantage of Blackberry is the keyboard, helps a lot typing e-mails. Maybe I'll get Blackberry for myself one day.
Just do it, Yuri ! \\:D/
I'm targeting May/June for one myself.

I bet it will help you a lot better than the pocketbook you have now ;)

Well :) I have Nokia 9300 and don't really like it, every time I'm on the Internet I have to scroll to see whats on the screen. Need a bigger screen, plus it does not support advanced features of the Internet (can't read forum from my phone).
My bb is a piece of junk, especially the keyboard. All those buttons with multiple purposes... bleh.

iPone's target market is not business people, so bb will still have it's base.
My bb is a piece of junk, especially the keyboard. All those buttons with multiple purposes... bleh.
Said Evil Mastermind. ;)
You must have gotten a very very old BB model. On the other hand, you can make tons of BB jokes and put on your site. It will sell like icecream. :thumbsup:
iPone's target market is not business people, so bb will still have it's base.
Incidentally, the only people who expressed interest in iPhone so far in this thread are Mac users :D
Blackberry 8830 looks more impressive to me :)
I don't know about iPhone, nice picture but thats all I can tell.

Bridgett said:
my personal opinion on the looks only: the Blackberry 8830 looks a lot more sophisticated and professional than the iPhone.

And for whatever reason, I'm not impressed by the iPhone in any way -- maybe just don't feel it.:smt102

You guys should see the demo...it's awesome! That's all I can say.
Are you still waiting for the iPhone, Hien ? I've been waiting for an excuse to get a new phone too ;)

My next phone may be one of those new Blackberry 8830 series

Most likely...i've been itching to get a new toy! :-ss
What do you think about Palm Treo 750?
Looks quite similar to BlackBerry. Most features are the same.
Question for all: which one would you choose? :)
Ah, Yuri throws another monkey wrench into the discussion :D


It does look like Blackberry but it uses MS OS underneath. I used to have several Ipaq and a Phone+PDA until recently. All of them used Win Os. The good thing about it is the variety of applications you can find. I was able to unlock my Phone PDA to use with another carrier.

I guess it comes down to what you use it most. My future device should be my workhorse. I need to get some work done on it too. Phone, email, work. For that, Blackberry is my ideal choice. With a Blackberry, I will fit right in with the Wall Street crowd ;)

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