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Is Mark S. Joshi's still applicable today?

On page 9 of 'Quant Job Interview Questions & Answers' by Mark Joshi et al., in a section titled '1.9 When to apply [for a quant job]?' they say:

'How can you tell if you are ready? Here are some indicators:
  • Could you get an "A" in an exam on the contents of "the Concepts and Practise of Mathematical Finance"?
  • Have you coded up some models in C++? (e.g. the computer projects at the end of that book.)
  • Are you on top of the contents of "C++ Design Patterns and Derivatives Pricing"?
  • Can you do the interview questions in this book without too much difficulty?
  • Can you tackle the supplementary questions in this book?
  • Have you successfully completed a practice interview?'
Does this advice still hold up today? This book was released in 2008, so a lot might have changed. From my research, it seems that a solid understanding of 1st and 2nd-year undergraduate probability and combinatorics is essential. Also, a more recent C++ book seems like it could be more useful.
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The C++ part is outdated; it is early 90s. It is still useful to know but C++ has moved on.
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