Just took the Briggs Meyers personality test

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Does anyone here know about Jung's personality types? If so, would you happen to know if all other qualifications being satisfied, does anyone take these 'types' seriously in quant-area? If so, which of these 16 types are best suited for this career?

If you don't know, I'd still like to know what you think about 'typing' persons' personalities.

Thanks Andy. I read the wikipedia article and that personality test sounds like a bunch of ballooney.... maybe I'm totally wrong.


Lol, =D>, fantastic. Yea, personality types seem fishy. I don't think they're sixteen of them (maybe 120billion?). A career counselor had me take one. I'd be surprised if it were accurate, I could have gone with a different answer for half the questions (I flipped a mental coin). Also seems mood-dependent.

Oh well, thanks.

One of our clients actually does administer the Myers-Briggs test. I'm not sure which "types" are looked upon more favorably though -- I will try and find out.

At some level, most firms will look for a personality fit even if they don't formally administer a test. We all know this of course. Soft skills/intangibles are important -- decisiveness, inquisitiveness, a strong work ethic, passion for the hedge funds/finance, being an independent thinker, taking initiative...I think of these qualities as ones that seem to bode well with roles at hedge funds. Of course, a lot of this stuff can be learnt as well.

I'll give you an example -- we recently had someone interview on-site with a client. The candidate felt he did really well. When I asked the client, their feedback was that most of the things the candidate had worked on were things that had been assigned by his boss and not things he took upon by himself. Note that they thought he had strong skills but still did not want to move forward with an offer. So there's an example of a firm looking for initiative and someone that thinks for oneself.

Hope that helps.

I took the Myers-Briggs type indicator test a couple of months ago at uni. I wouldn't necessarily call it a bunch of balooney, but there was no revelation at the end of it. If you answer the questions honestly and keep in mind that there is no 'right answer', you will get the result you would expect.

For example, after 45 minutes of answering questions like "when you meet someone for the first time, do you run out of conversation topics after 1 minute?" and "Are your actions frequently influenced by emotions?" I found out that I was an ENTJ (Extraversion, iNtuition, Thinking, Judging). It came as no surprise to me and I felt like I had wasted 45 minutes of my life. Most people on here will get a similar result. Take this test to the national history of art convention and you'll get 95% of ESFP's (Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving) ;)

To answer the original question, having been to quite a few interviews, I can tell you that I have never been asked to take the test.
I knew about these tests being used by large employers to improve their own candidate selections. I didn't know, though, they were given importance by quant employers. Since the qualifications to be a quant are relatively demanding. I would think, enough people are unqualified so that such extras as psychological theory tests on personality wouldn't be considered essential. But perhaps there is an overflow of physics, math, CS phds and MFE graduates applying for the same job, and it would make sense for employers to pick the 'best' personality fit possible.

That said, I still wonder about the accuracy (or vadility) of these exams. Given that Jung was correct, and they're sixteen personality types. How can one determine if person A takes the exam in the middle of an emotional crisis (wife cheated or something), that the results will not vary if same person A takes the exam after a month of good luck (ex-wife doesn't get the house or the car)?

My exam had about 65 questions. All involved only two options. For many questions, both choices would have been reasonable. I think this is where it losses accuracy (if it had any to begin with). If I've been working out and partying for a few months, I'm sure I'd select differently in these cases than if I've had been lazy and stayed home during the same time frame.

If you were to assemble a team of quants, would you use place significance on these exams?
Here's the link:

Personality test based on Jung - Myers-Briggs typology

Result? Probably the best one anyone can hope for:


44 extraverted
38 thinker
33 judge
12 intuition

Not too happy with the intuition score, but if this is correct, that I have enough talent and capability to work the technicalities but more importantly have the capabilities to lead such people and understand them, I think this is a good sign. My only worry is my sanity tests not cutting it to make sure the models make sense.

But that's what teamwork is for. There are bound to be street smart fundamentalists to corroborate the validity of quantitative approaches if I can't, and I'd go to them priority 1.

The biggest thanks though, goes to my leadership professor. I took the leadership role for my group because I could, and apparently, I had a knack for it. Most interesting...though I hate red tape. Hate, hate, hate it.

What's yours?
11 Introverted
12 Intuitive
1 Thinking
44 Judging

http://www.humanmetrics.com/vocation/JCI.asp?EI=-11&SN=-12&TF=0.6&JP=44<~ Suitable Career

This indicates I'm on the right track of my career to be relative to science and business ^^

Anyway, Most tests do not really affect my decision. I tend to stick with my own decisions unless someone convince me with very strong and reasonable ideas ^_^
Extraverted: 78
Intuitive: 50
Thinking: 25
Judging: 44

These results hardly surprise me.
Just took the test. I got
Introverted 56
Intuitive 75
Thinking 62
Perceiving 33

Ideal career for me seems to be science or computer programming. I am not surprised at all.
Has anyone ever taken those personality tests online?

I came out to be an INTJ and I was hoping financial engineering would be somewhat compatible with my supposed personality.
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