call me Vic for short
Education: BS Economics Nanjing Univ.,China, expected in Jun.2007
GPA 3.6/4.0
GMAT 770/99%, GRE MATH SUB. 750/81%
Awards: CFA Society Scholarship,2007 winner.
State 2rd Prize, China Undergraduate Mathematics Contest in Modeling.
Graduate thesis: Pricing a class of discrete lookback options( on work and encounter some difficulties in modeling,but i hope to keep on and can be able to solve it finally.)
No W/E, an intern and some unformal experiences in a research institute of an local securities company. mainly did some assistant work on report the CRAZY warrant market in China ( im sure everybody here cant immagine that a deep OTM put warrant in China's market has a volatility of 120% !!!!!) American analysts just cannt understand those professionals in China.
C++: im also interested in programming languages and got to know
C++ in my freshmen year. my main problem is that i havent practised too much on it, BUT i have kpet programming
C++ 100 rows everyday for a few days and hope to keep on and gain 10k rows more experiences on
C++ before i get to Baruch.
Other interest: football, im football captain of my undergrat department and i once led them win a championship in our univ.
Finally, say hi to all students in Baruch and thanks to Dan, i think i will be here in Aug. also i have
to thank Pro. Kwok in HKUST who once had very nice talks with me for one whole day and also gave me admission to their Fin_Math program which i will not finally accept. To me, NY is more attractive, i feel so sorry to him,really.
Last thing:
i have to note that we cant reach "quantnet" in mainland China and i guess maybe this website has been forbidden to browse by China's Government( i dont know why). have any sensitive or offensive words appreared here? Today i get here by using a free American proxy server, very unconvenient.