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NYU Tandon MFE NYU MFE Degree

Probably none of them?

It is difficult to be all things to all men "if we want to learn anything, we mustn't try to learn everything".

If I'm not wrong then:

OPT for STEM programs is 17 months.
OPT for Non-STEM programs is 12 months.
OP just wants to confirm the category in this respect.
If I'm not wrong then:

OPT for STEM programs is 17 months.
OPT for Non-STEM programs is 12 months.
OP just wants to confirm the category in this respect.
I see. It's an 'insider' acronym.

Can these buzzwords be made precise?

The focus on increasing participation in STEM fields has attracted criticism. In the 2014 article "The Myth of the Science and Engineering Shortage" in The Atlantic, demographer Michael S. Teitelbaum criticized the efforts of the U.S government to increase the number of STEM graduates, saying that, among studies on the subject, "No one has been able to find any evidence indicating current widespread labor market shortages or hiring difficulties in science and engineering occupations that require bachelors degrees or higher", and that "Most studies report that real wages in many—but not all—science and engineering occupations have been flat or slow-growing, and unemployment as high or higher than in many comparably-skilled occupations." Teitelbaum also wrote that the then-current national fixation on increasing STEM participation paralleled previous U.S. government efforts since World War II to increase the number of scientists and engineers, all of which he stated ultimately ended up in "mass layoffs, hiring freezes, and funding cuts"; including one driven by the Space Race of the late 1950s and 1960s, which he wrote led to "a bust of serious magnitude in the 1970s."[60]

IEEE Spectrum contributing editor Robert N. Charette echoed these sentiments in the 2013 article "The STEM Crisis Is a Myth", also noting that there was a "mismatch between earning a STEM degree and having a STEM job" in the United States, with only around 1/4 of STEM graduates working in STEM fields, while less than half of workers in STEM fields have a STEM degree.[61]

Economics writer Ben Casselman, in a 2014 study of post-graduation earnings for
FiveThirtyEight, wrote that, based on the data, science should not be grouped with the other three STEM categories, because, while the other three generally result in high-paying jobs, "many sciences, particularly the life sciences, pay below the overall median for recent college graduates."[62]
I would assume an MFE has a large emphasis on statistical modelling, so it would fall into the M of STEM at the very least.