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Please, help me to project a multi-year education programme, Thanks!!

I am Rocco, a 19 years-old Italian student, now I am attending the first year of Civil Engineering course at University.

One of my dream is working in finance, due to a natural passion and moved by a certain greediness....South of Italy is not an Heaven.

I am studying Engineering because my Father has a little projecting society but I don't like to put all eggs in the same sack.

I have made a lot of researchs but now I believe to be in the right place to obtain some information.....

Like I can understand a role in the quantitative analysis let to make more money than a role in "normal" analysis.......correct me if I am wrong.

However I have decided to do CFA (it's not very expensive), to try to reach the third level, In the next year I will study in UK thank to Erasmus Programme, it can help to develop my language-skill and to know better the atmosphere.

First Question:
-What can a Third-level CFA guarantee about entry-level salary, stability, career development?

I know that It's a bit OT but I will pleased to list your opinion and experiences.

Second Question:
-What can an ACCA guarantee about entry-level salary, stability, career development?

Third Question:
-CFQ is really expensive also If I don't want to attend courses (like I will do for CFA)? And what can you say about its importance?

Fourth Question:
-GreMath an G-Mat are valid instruments to impressionate recruiters?I have a certain talent for math.....maybe I hpe so...

Fifth Question:
-I believe that an MFE is more useful than a PhD to get a good entry level job.....am I wrong?PhD is too long.....but an MFE is really expensive (maybe I can search for a scolarship or a sponsor?)

Sixth Question:
-MFE vs MBA......but I cannot permit myself to go to Oxford, Harvard, Cambridge etc.

Seventh Question:
-Can you write if there is a diploma to certificate good C++ skills?It can be useful?

Eighth Question:
-I need absolutely indication to try to do an Internship, I know that they are OK!Can someone help?

Nineth Question:
-MFE+CFA+eventually CFQ+ a good score in GreMath and GMat + no experience, how much can I obtain by first salary?In London?In NYC?
I know 50,000 puond or 100,000 dollar (tell me if with bonuses or not).....but how many possibilities (you can answer also in terms of percentage) there are to reach 300,000-500,000 dollar or 150,000-250,000 pounds after the famous "five year"?

Thanks for your time!!!!!!
I will really appreciate every written words.
Initially I want to thank you for the informations.

First Reply:
So CFA is not very useful lto get a quantitative job, maybe is more researched in Investiment Banking, or not?But a plus point is ever a plus point.....

Third Reply:
So with no experience It'impossible to take certificate?It need some other certificate to do the lower level?I have discovered that the distance-training is very cheap (1:10 respect the cdost of the normal course), so It can be a my important target. If CQF is really targeted towards people who are already working in near quant-type positions, It can do a certain difference, am i wrong?

Fourth Reply:
I suspected this thing, but inn USA how can they be important?

Fifth Reply:
Good, so I don't need to pass two years more but only one to study eventually....

Sixth Reply:
Maybe the same difference between CFA and CFQ?

Eighth Reply:
I suspected also this thing, It's difficult but I will try to do something.

Nineth Answer:
So there are more than 50% of possibilities?

1: CFA is rarely enough to get you a quant job of any kind.
2: Nothing is a guarantee of anything, but it can help get you an OK job
3: I teach on the CQF, so have to declare an interest but again it can help
4: Managers prefer actual qualifications
5: The question is wrong. Do you want to do a PhD ? If so do what interest you, else do not.
6: Don't understand your logic. I suspect there is no logic here.
7: There is no good formal C++ qualification anywhere. But we do C++ on the CQF.
But C++ is very important.
8: It's hard to get internships. Start work oin that now.
9: Your numbers are not too high.
Reply to DominiConnor.

First of all, Thanks for your time.

5: My interest depends on value in quant-job market, so: PhD has more value than a MFE or the best thing is to thake them both?

6: In Financial Times Mba world-ranking is written that a Top University (Oxford, Harvard, Cambridge) can easily offer an average salary of $ 150,000 (really good).....but I don't have so much money to pay these type of courses....so: with no much money to spent, MFE can outperform an MBA, in terms of salary offered, or not?

8: I know, I know, really difficult because it's nearly impossible to demostrate something with no cv by an online-application.......I will start work on this. Maybe have you got a giude?I need to know how and where apply......In this field I have no information.

9: Ok, but if you have more precise information, please write them.

Thanks, DominiConnor.
Nobody have nothing to add? Especially about where I can find information, guide, indication about Internship?

Maybe Wilmoot Forum?

Thank You!!