Quantnet positions are now Open

Hi everybody,
First, thanks for making this forum a very friendly and pleasant place to be. This has far exceeded the expectation of everyone on Quantnet Team. There are things we can improve on and exciting plans to implement. In order to do that, we would like to expand the core Quantnet Team. Remember, you are already a member of the Baruch's MFE family. Now, it's your chance to be part of the Quantnet Team- the small group of people who works behind the scene to make this all possible.

These are open positions that we would like to invite you to apply. Future positions may be available. When they are, it will be posted here.
  1. Sub-Forum Moderators
    Subforums: General, Computing, Finance, Quantnet Social Hub, Books are the ones in need of moderators.
    Responsibilities: to provide help with questions in that subforum. You can make announcements, sticky, move post to the right topic...things that will make for a more productive browsing experience. Also, you would be in charge of generating useful discussions in your subforum that are beneficial to the students.
    Number of position: open till filled.
  2. Quantnet Website Contributors
    Responsibilities: to gather news, information, events that are beneficial to the Quantnet community. Selected pieces will be displayed on the front page of our website.
    Number of position: unlimited.
  3. Quantnet Website webmaster/editor
    Responsibilities: to make sure the contents on our website are updated and proof-read, to post contents in the right sections.
    Number of position: open till filled.
  4. Quantnet Wiki editor
    Responsibilities: to gather and publish useful topics in the areas of Financial Engineering, to organize the info other members post.
    Number of position: open till filled.
  5. Mailing list editor
    Responsibilities: to manage our mailing list and keep subscribers updated with news and activities.
    Number of position: open till filled
  1. Who can be a member of the Quantnet Team?
    Any admitted student of the Baruch MFE program, either current, alumni or incoming students.
  2. How can one apply?
    Self-petition. Just reply to this topic. Include your name and the position you are interested in.
  3. I'm not tech-savvy. Can I still apply?
    When there is a will, there is a way. We will provide technical training, or point you to the important documents you should read to perform the task. Most positions are non-geek-friendly.
  4. Will I be paid or rewarded something?
    There is no material reward involved. This is strictly voluntary positions.Nobody in Quantnet Team got paid and it will never be
  5. OK, no money then. What do I get to show for it?
    A lot of appreciation from members whose learning experience has been greatly enhanced by your selfless service.
    Membership to the super-geeks club. No, just kidding. You will have access to our private forum for Moderators and Administrators.
  6. How much time and effort do I have to put in?
    There is no set limit. We do expect you to put 110% effort in. That's the going rate for all of us at Quantnet.
  7. Why there are needs for more help now?
    We are growing very fast. Therefore, a need to be more organized and professional is inevitable. There is a buzz about our program that we are very friendly and active community. In fact, we may as well be the most friendly MFE program around. We like to build upon that.
  8. Are there any other reasons?
    Ok, if you so insist, that the core Quantnet team consists of graduating students and incoming students. The current students graduate this Fall while the full-time students (myself included) will do so after 3 semesters. While it sounds like still a long time away, it's always a good idea to prepare the transistion well in advance so there are no interruptions. By the time I graduate, we are confident that the new Quantnet team will be well prepared.
  9. What are the benefit of that?
    As a Baruch MFE graduate, you are forever linked to the reputation of the program as well as the quality of its students. The more qualified students we attract, the better reputation the program gets and so on. You are helping yourself in the end.
  10. Is this initiative spearheaded by the Math Dept, specially the Director Dan Stefanica?
    No, this is a student organization so everything is self-started by students. We are a very self-sufficient group. The Director, Prof. Dan Stefanica will undoubtedly offer his full support for any project that is meant to improve the students' learning experience and quality.
  11. Ok, I'm sold. What should I do now?
    Click the Reply button and apply yourself.
  12. I'd like to apply but I have a question. How do I ask privately?
    Send me a PM (private message)[/email]

You can count on me for anything you need.
alain said:
You can count on me for anything you need.
Alain, your help and presence on this forum are greatly appreciated. You are a moderator for the C++ Refresher forum but if you feel you can handle more responsibilities, just let me know what you like to help with.
Hey Andy,

As per our discussion in class I'll be the Quantnet Events Manager.

I can help organize the events, registration, etc.



Please sign me up for General and/or Computing subforum moderator.

Chris said:
Hey Andy,
As per our discussion in class I'll be the Quantnet Events Manager.
I can help organize the events, registration, etc.
Thanks for stepping in Chris. As discussed with Jimmy, you will be working with him to organize events.
You can now access the private Mod and Admin forum. Please update your profile and avatar. We would pretty much like to see pictures of every members of Quantnet team under their name so others can easily recognize.
hienqnguyen said:
Please sign me up for General and/or Computing subforum moderator.
I'd like to personally thank you for this great offer. We've always wanted to have someone from the current class to join us. As previously discussed, you are now Moderator of both the General and Computing subforums. With your background, we look forward to benefiting from your contribution.
You can now access the private Mod and Admin forum. Please update your profile and avatar. We would pretty much like to see pictures of every members of Quantnet team under their name so others can easily recognize.
Hi Andy,
Please sign me up for the Finance Forum moderator.


Response by the Quantnet Team
We appreciate your level of participation, energy. You deserve the position. Your interest in the position has been granted. You now have access to the private forum. We look forward to you contributing on the Finance forum. Good luck with the new duty and moderate wisely.
Please sign me up for Social Hub mod.


Response by the Quantnet Team
Welcome on board. Please see note to Frank above. You now become a moderator of Quantnet Social Hub.
Thanks for the positive response to Prof. Stefanica's email today. I think it's time to bring back this topic.
As you can see, we still have many unfilled positions since I posted this. At the same time, QN has grown tremendously. It's about time we step in and bring our website to another level. QN has been the irreplaceable part of our program and it deserves our best efforts.
Andy, you know what I want to ask---fill me in whatever left or you think suitable. I will be here anytime ...
Thanks for your great efforts to make this community cozy and warm. :smt038 :smt038
Yan He said:
Andy, you know what I want to ask---fill me in whatever left or you think suitable. I will be here anytime ...
Thanks for your great efforts to make this community cozy and warm. :smt038 :smt038

Yan (Maggie), you are absolutely soooooooooo awesome!!! :smt038
Phat Loc said:
I will like to lend my support! Just let me know what you need done. :)
YESSSSSS :smt006
Welcome back and thanks for helping, Phat. I hope more alumni will come back and contribute as well.

Let's start with your forte, technical know-how. Why don't you give us some kind of workshop on VBA, Latex, Excel, etc ?
As the current students will soon graduate and the new students just start, I think it's a good idea to find members who like to help with Quantnet's various needs. You don't have to be an MFE student to volunteer. Anyone with a computer and an internet connection can do anything.

We need lot of people to help with marketing our website, run daily operation, build contents, etc.

As long as you are willing to help, I can always put you in a position where your skills can be most appreciated.

Quantnet Positions Open !

i can start organizing material for the Wiki page, incl info about local MFE programs and relevant events.
let's talk more about the logistics.

I'm looking for a few people that either

* Has their own website, blog, forum or know how to design website, blog
* Photoshop designer, wikipedian, Web 2.0 technologist, digg user, heavy forum posters
*The willingness to learn the above. Most can be learned in a short time.
*Grammatically challenged

If you think you have the goods, please let me know via PM. WE NEED YOUR HELP !
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