Can any current or former part-time students from Baruch, and any other MFE program, help me out with the following questions regarding part-time study? I am trying to decide if i want to apply for part-time or full-time admission to MFE programs.
Well, here are my three questions:
1) What is the average amount time it takes for part-time students to complete a part-time MFE program?
2) How many classes do part-time students normally take per semester?
3) Also, are required courses for the MFE degree given during the summer or special sessions?
One of my major concerns is academic performance. I don't want to sacrifice earning the highest possible grades in my coursework due to the conflicts and distractions that may arise with working full-time (10 - 12 hour days) and completing a rigorous program. In addition, I am afraid that if it would take about three or more years to complete a program a part-time basis I could potentially forget some of the tools and skills acquired during the beginning years of the program.
Thanks in advance for the insight.
Well, here are my three questions:
1) What is the average amount time it takes for part-time students to complete a part-time MFE program?
2) How many classes do part-time students normally take per semester?
3) Also, are required courses for the MFE degree given during the summer or special sessions?
One of my major concerns is academic performance. I don't want to sacrifice earning the highest possible grades in my coursework due to the conflicts and distractions that may arise with working full-time (10 - 12 hour days) and completing a rigorous program. In addition, I am afraid that if it would take about three or more years to complete a program a part-time basis I could potentially forget some of the tools and skills acquired during the beginning years of the program.
Thanks in advance for the insight.