Sending Greek Symbols to Matlab

I've written a script that populates an Excel spreadsheet with text and calculated data. One of my text labels is 'ΔSOC.' I know how to change the font name for an entire cell from Matlab, but I'm unable to change the font name of a character from Matlab. I can do it within a VB macro; the VB command will not translate to Matlab. Any help would be appreciated.


Edit: Give unicode a shot. The unicode for Delta is 916

Not the most elegant looking thing, but something like this will give you the header youre looking for.

EDU>> V = strcat(char(916),'SOC');
EDU>> A = {V,'Header2','Header3'};
EDU>> xlswrite('Book1.xls',A)

The char(916) doesn't show up in the Matlab LaTeX interpreter, however.

You are smarter than 5 seasoned Matlab programmers currently working in the auto industry. It's very odd that neither Matlab nor Excel recognize char(916); how did you ever find this?

Using actxserver, I populate the cell directly using: .ActiveSheet.Range('A7').FormulaR1C1 = strcat(char(916),'SOC');

Very impressive; thank you,

Insomnia + curiosity + brute force frustration :)

I'm just starting to learn Matlab. Interestingly, my C++ compiler recognized the Δ you posted above but mapped it to the lower case
(\delta) and Matlab seems to map excel's representation (2206) to a right arrow. 916 appears to be more universal - I have no idea why.... another project for another day!

I used to work in the auto industry many moons ago. Ex. UGNX, Catia V5 jockey and later did some time at FoMoCo before crossing over to the dark side.

How did you find your way to Quantnet?
Insomnia + curiosity + brute force frustration :)

I'm just starting to learn Matlab. Interestingly, my C++ compiler recognized the Δ you posted above but mapped it to the lower case
(\delta) and Matlab seems to map excel's representation (2206) to a right arrow. 916 appears to be more universal - I have no idea why.... another project for another day!

I used to work in the auto industry many moons ago. Ex. UGNX, Catia V5 jockey and later did some time at FoMoCo before crossing over to the dark side.

How did you find your way to Quantnet?

Lol Catia V5 Jockey. Haha
While searching for a solution to my issue, I came across a similar question posted here; so, I signed up and posted my own.

I spent a couple of years at FoMoCo as well: Powertrain Controls Hardware at POEE in Dearborn.

Hey, I looked up Baruch MFE; very impressive. I've never even heard the term Finance Engineering.

Thanks again,

While searching for a solution to my issue, I came across a similar question posted here; so, I signed up and posted my own.

I spent a couple of years at FoMoCo as well: Powertrain Controls Hardware at POEE in Dearborn.

Hey, I looked up Baruch MFE; very impressive. I've never even heard the term Finance Engineering.

Thanks again,


Ha. I worked for Nemak/Ford in Windor...Engine block R&D.
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