Voting is today

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Yeah, like you can resist.
I'm traditionally apolitical but I'm actually ticked off since the GOP convention. I fume when I watch some of those talking heads on Fox, CNN and other news channels.
It's one thing to run ads for Joe Sixpack in Idaho, betting them not knowing something called internet. It's another thing to treat voters like idiots.
Today voters are far more media savvy than of yesteryear. There is something called, for starters.

If you are dumb enough to believe half of the lies in their ads, I have a bridge up in Alaska to sell you.
You WISH you had a bridge in Alaska; the money got soaked up somewhere else.

Someone should have taken my odds; I had Andy as a longshot.
I say to Congress: "Thanks but no thanks to that bridge to nowhere!"
Question: TRUE or FALSE?

There is something about this year election that people just can't ignore. I'll get all my family to vote just to make a point. Enough is enough ;)
The question is: does your family live in a swing state? If they live in our fine city, they won't be able to do much to turn the tide either way. But you can always help send a message.
I don't follow their campaign ads because 99.9% of the ads are bullshit. However, I have a hard time seeing what the McCain/Palin team has to offer to this country. Their ultra-conservative outlook, soccer mom attitude (and the fact that she might actually be president given McCain's age) scare the crap out of me.

That's not to say that some of the stuff democrats are doing is any better, but I choose the lesser of the two evils.
Yeah. Pfeh. So long as we win in Iraq and Afghanistan, I'm happy. I don't think either candidate will lose either war. I think they'll both listen to the commanders on the ground.

I'll wait till the real economy debates.
Yeah I'll watch it. Doesn't really matter to me, though. I think it's economic suicide to vote for someone that voted with the biggest moron in most of our lifetimes 90% of the time.
I watched it, I have to say I like Joe Biden having missed all the primary debates. All the coverage leading up to the debate was about right on Palin. She certainly studied hard.

Skip the pundits, they knew their lines before the debate started.
My take on the debate:

Palin--soon to be the first ever GILF. Okay, I kid. But honestly. She's too cute, both in appearance, and in mannerisms, for me to be bullish on her abilities. Would this be a woman I'd want in my neighborhood? Absolutely. Kind, friendly, energetic, just a really swell person.

But that's not the issue at hand. The issue at hand is whether or not this really cute soon-to-be-grandma (whoever thought a grandma could be this cute?) can be trusted with the powers of the VP, and quite possibly, to lead our country if the senile old coot falls over due to some disease.

When it comes to people I'd rather simply be around, I'd much rather be around Palin. But when it comes to the guy I want in charge, that's Biden.

But that's TRIVIAL compared to a meteoric rising star that's completely wrecking history compared to a celebrity nearly-dead-last (in his navy class) celebrity POW that nearly sunk his own carrier IIRC. Obama >>>>> McCain, Palin >> Biden as a pal, but Biden > Palin for the position.
Right on, Ilya. I've also never understood why people would ever want to vote for someone they'd rather have a beer with. I know the people I like to have beers with, and I wouldn't want them anywhere near the nuclear button. I don't want my President (or Vice President) to be someone like me; I want them to be better than me.

I think it's an inevitable symptom of modern conservative philosophy, though. When Carly Fiorina was asked if Sarah Palin was capable of running a Fortune 500 company, she said no. In fact, she said that neither was John McCain, Barack Obama, or Joe Biden. She wouldn't trust these people to run a company, but she'd trust them to run the country? I really don't get these people's priorities...
Frankly, I wouldn't want a politician running the country. I'd want a CEO of a successful corporation.

(Ahem, Hank Paulson or Donald Trump or Bill Gates or Warren Buffett for el prezidente)

I'm just wondering why the big reprehension over nuclear weapons? If a nation run by fundamentalist ayatollahs is attempting to build a bomb, doesn't a policeman have the right to shoot dead someone hostile in possession of a firearm?
I sure would hate to be a conservative right now. It's a no-win.

RE: The debate, Palin made the republican base happy, but did not help the ticket on what they need: independents. She surely is queen of the non-answer. She did well, according to most, because she didn't mess up like in the interviews. But that's because the parts of the interviews where she looked so foolish is when the interviewer presses her on details. There was none of that last night. She just rambled off talking points until the time light started blinking.

Now, I don't want to come off as an intellectual snob (those who know me know I'm a blue-collar guy at heart), but does this sound like the educational background of a possible president?

Palin attended several colleges and universities. In 1982, she enrolled at Hawaii Pacific College but left after her first semester. She transferred to North Idaho community college, where she spent two semesters as a general studies major. From there, she transferred to the University of Idaho for two semesters.[11][12] During this time Palin won the Miss Wasilla Pageant beauty contest,[13][14] then finished third (second runner-up) in the Miss Alaska pageant,[15][16] at which she won a college scholarship and the "Miss Congeniality" award.[17] She then left the University of Idaho and attended Matanuska-Susitna community college in Alaska for one term. The next year she returned to the University of Idaho where she spent three semesters completing her Bachelor of Science degree in communications-journalism, graduating in 1987.[11][12]

I don't want an ordinary joe six-pack to be in charge of the country. I want an *extra-ordinary* person.

She said *nucular.* Is this the republican litmus test or something?

I really wanted to think of something satirical, funny, absurd to say. But reality is far more asinine than anything I can make up.

Okay, enough Palin bashing for now. This stuff is much better in person, after 3-4 drinks. Obama will win this one unless something drastic happens in the next five weeks.
She said *nucular.* Is this the republican litmus test or something?
Darn right. You betcha she said nucular. And winked (many times). And refused to answer the questions.
She may become the most dangerous VP, more than Dick Cheney. The thought of her a heart beat away from the president scares the heck out of me. After 8 years of Bush, I don't think we can stomach another 4.
I just ran across this Mortal Kombat type election fighting game. It's actually quite funny, here's the link:

Atom: Kung-Fu Election
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