What apps you have on your Android/iPhone?

Having fun with my new HTC Sensation phone and have installed only a few apps so far (Zipcar, WhatsApp, Swype).
What apps (not games) that you use daily to make your life/work more productive?
Must Have apps in order:

1) Advanced App Killer - This app nearly doubles your battery life by killing all background apps. A Lifesaver!

2) Dropbox - 'nuff said

3) Tiny Flashlight - Turns on all camera LED lights to max brightness - works really well. The other flashlight apps unnecessarily turn screen brightness up as well... that absorbs double the battery life and really doesn't help much.

4) SourceLair - C++ compiler. Works really well. I keep my programs in dropbox and fool around with them on the train sometimes with SL.

Non must-have apps. But I have them anyways :)

1) RealCalc - IMHO the best calculator for android

2) ColorNote - a useful notepad

3) Kaplan GRE Vocab - yes I'm done with the GREs, but after receiving my verbal score this app is a no brainer for me...

Games I have

1) TapFish - cute little fishtank game. They try to swindle you into spending real money. I purchase the fish that appreciate in value the fastest and resell them. My fish are worth over $1,000,000 as of yesterday :). You start with around $1,000. Not very productive but I only spend around 2 minutes a day on it.

2) Backgammon from AI Factory - My favorite game.

3) Yahtz Me - Yahtzee... the original poker.
plants vs. zombies has my subway time for the time being.

Opera Mobile is my choice of browser

Astrid is a must-have...

I also like skype.
  • FlexT9
  • Go Free
  • Winamp
  • SuperBox
  • A Online Radio
  • Pocket Casts
  • Firefox

Adv App Killer

Remote Web Desktop

BBC News
Economist Magazine
Google Finance
Google Reader

apparently android doesn't require app killers, and gingerbread has made things even better in this regard.
Side by Side (open 2 docs side by side)
Instapaper (read webpages offline)

Misc - Tapatalk, Shazam, Fring, Netflix, Google Voice, Drudge
Storage - Dropbox/SpiderOak
Travel - NYCMate (MTA maps), Navigon (Best naviagtion app ever!!!), Gasbuddy
Games - Plants vs. Zombies +1 :), Cut the Rope
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