What books are you currently reading?

adventures of tin tin...
Derivatives by robert strong
primer....by dan
les miserables
(in no particular order).
Actually nor I read books as much as I used to 3-4 years earlier. After you get into profession or at university it's hard to devote time to general books. I can read a lot math related subjects but cannot force my mind to read off profession books. Hope it's temporary.
Just finished Physics of the Future by Michio Kaku

And I am now reading, Europe - a history by Norman Davies.
fter you get into profession or at university it's hard to devote time to general books.

I've generally found you have to make time for it. I read on average about 3 books a week in the 300 page, paperback range. Obviously larger books (like the Norman Davies one mentioned above) take a little longer.
I generally read a night and on the weekends.
Actually nor I read books as much as I used to 3-4 years earlier. After you get into profession or at university it's hard to devote time to general books. I can read a lot math related subjects but cannot force my mind to read off profession books. Hope it's temporary.

Audio books.
Audio books.
Yeah good plan. I always try and listen to podcasts and audio books at work whilst coding.
I've been working my way through the Point of Inquiry podcasts if anyone is familiar with them?
My own worst enemy: 19 ways we defeat ourselves
Random walk down wall street
More money than god
Intelligent investor
Irrational exuberance
Demon of our own design
The Name of the Wind, Patrick Rothfuss--re-reading it, actually, since the second book in the series just came out, and my wife is almost finished with it.

For any of you who like alternate-world fantasy (a la Song of Ice and Fire, which I saw mentioned above, and which a lot of people seem to be reading now because of the HBO series), I highly recommend Rothfuss. The quality of his writing is several cuts above what you usually find in the genre.

In this series, he has done a very smart thing for a new author generally, and especially for an author in this genre, and set himself a task that has a defined endpoint. Although I initially thought Martin was going to be able to avoid a Jordanesque morass in Song, and I turned out to be wrong about that, I'm pinning my hopes on Rothfuss now as someone who can actually keep his story under control and end it in a satisfactory manner.
The Name of the Wind, Patrick Rothfuss--re-reading it, actually, since the second book in the series just came out, and my wife is almost finished with it.

For any of you who like alternate-world fantasy (a la Song of Ice and Fire, which I saw mentioned above, and which a lot of people seem to be reading now because of the HBO series), I highly recommend Rothfuss. The quality of his writing is several cuts above what you usually find in the genre.

Well, I'll take a look at it. Most of the fantasy I see these days is poor quality compared to Tolkien's LOTR, Zelazny's Amber series, and the Conan novels and short stories.
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