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  1. helpteye

    So I created this software...

    whoa; That is an error. I did not write that statement. I think there is an error. ATTN: Andy. Another member made that statement. I have never worked in any hedge fund, I believe I commented on that statement.
  2. helpteye

    So I created this software...

    LoL; My thought exactly.
  3. helpteye

    Sir Allen Stanford

  4. helpteye

    Are MFE programs only for rich kids?

    If it is your preference, then ok. I am talking only from a logical point of view; not emotional.
  5. helpteye

    Why are there so many international MFE/MFin students?

    Sounds to me like you are talking about the movie GoodWill Hunting. In any case, I agree that it is possible, yet highly improbable. Agreed.
  6. helpteye

    Are MFE programs only for rich kids?

    If you get a job that pays $200K after graduation, then your investment is sound. However, if you get a job that pays $80k, then you will have to smile at your boss for a few years to pay your loan off because your will be living in expensive areas of town, so you can not pay off the loan in one...
  7. helpteye

    Are MFE programs only for rich kids?

    I disagree. Masters programs in STEM tend to get at least a tuition waiver. The bottom line is that you do not go into the type of debt that makes you scared of 'pissing off your future boss' because you have a $100K loan to pay.
  8. helpteye

    Are MFE programs only for rich kids?

    I think of it as "paying for a job interview, and eventual job". I agree with you fully. This is the reason I am usually impressed with the Baruch program's lower tuition, reasonable job placement. However, I notice their tuition is beginning to make quantum leaps as well. And you are right...
  9. helpteye

    Why are there so many international MFE/MFin students?

    Thats weird simply because in order to "turn down many requests to go to Wall Street for programming/quant jobs, 'your friend' would have had to apply and study and interview ferociously for these jobs. Therefore I am not sure about the many "requests". Sort of baffling to me. Point being 'your...
  10. helpteye

    Why are there so many international MFE/MFin students?

    That is almost every country. Including the USA. Why do you think silly rappers talk about their 'ice, cars, rims, women etc'. Consider the fact that just because someone like Jay-Z can rap and makes money doing that, he gets personal meetings with warren buffet; and actually shows up on...
  11. helpteye

    Why are there so many international MFE/MFin students?

    It is "damn cool" everywhere in the world; even in the richest countries. For instance the ave. GDP per capita in the USA is somewhere in the mid-high 40K's. If someone is a trader from GS with a masters degree in financial engineering and earning $150K, it is also "damn cool".
  12. helpteye

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Employment Statistics for December 2011 graduates

    Baruch continues to amaze me; by far the best bang for your buck. By the way, expect an application from me soon. Wrapping up my Ph.D. now.
  13. helpteye

    7.8 Morgan Stanley Interview

    Thanks for your reply Joy.
  14. helpteye

    7.8 Morgan Stanley Interview

    If you do a phone interview and the interviewer asks you how did you arrive at your answer, does that mean your answer was correct? Out of 5 or 6 questions, I know I got one wrong because I said I can not solve it. If you get one wrong, does that disqualify you?
  15. helpteye

    Who Owns the Future?

    Your argument seems most logical, however, you fail to account for the possible effect of harsh events like slavery, colonialism, imposition of new cultures, etc; mentioning that african IQ's range from 59 to 82 is probably the most ridiculous statements I have ever seen. My family is from...
  16. helpteye

    Who Owns the Future?

    I think there is absolutely no logical reason why intellect and race should ever be mentioned in the same sentence. Any reasonable person would know that the majority of american-born blacks start so low on the economic ladder, they rarely have time to think about school. Consider the obvious...
  17. helpteye

    Interview Questions at JPMorgan Sales and Trading

    This is ecactly how I did it. The lowest common multiple. Simplest method.
  18. helpteye

    UK Govt to abolish student work visa

    Wow; There is definitely no reason why people should go to the UK to study now. The Textbooks are the same in most countries, so the only reason people went to the UK would be a better chance of a good life.
  19. helpteye

    Financial Crisis and Investment Banking Reading

    Nice list: Thanks.
  20. helpteye

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Employment Statistics for December 2010 graduates

    I am impressed so far, especially considering the affordability of your program. I am strongly leaning towards Baruch next fall. By the way, how are the international students faring so far?
  21. helpteye

    Risk Latte's Certificate in Financial Engineering (CFE)

    This guy is the director of the CFE? Ridiculous.
  22. helpteye

    Risk Latte's Certificate in Financial Engineering (CFE)

    Lol: Are you serious. This seems very childish.
  23. helpteye

    Norwegian traders convicted for outsmarting US stock broker algorithm

    lol; interesting reply; very implicit .
  24. helpteye

    Would you buy a Green card ($50k), H1B visa ($10K)?

    Great points. I guess I will simply start of with a teaching degree next year, then after 3 yrs (and do CQF or MFE part time) then make the move to the street.
  25. helpteye

    Would you buy a Green card ($50k), H1B visa ($10K)?

    I would pay $50k for a green card.
  26. helpteye

    Hello Dominic: I am beginning to apply for jobs now, and am interested in your opinion and you...

    Hello Dominic: I am beginning to apply for jobs now, and am interested in your opinion and you helping me if I meet your criteria. I would prefer to do CQF or an MFE starting next September but I would be interested in getting a job first. I am graduating with my PHD in Computational Analysis...
  27. helpteye

    hey Joy: What was the info that you had about Postdocs in financial Engineering again (in...

    hey Joy: What was the info that you had about Postdocs in financial Engineering again (in Canada). Can you refresh my memory, I am graduating in May. Thanks
  28. helpteye

    Risk Latte's Certificate in Financial Engineering (CFE)

    What in the world does the Look of his face have to do with anything? Because of that statement alone, I will never consider CFE even if it was the last program left on earth. I do not want to have intellectual exchanges with anyone who says: "from the look of your face.....blah blah blah" I...
  29. helpteye

    Income Inequality: Too Big to Ignore

    Great article. Thanks.
  30. helpteye

    5 Quick Ways to Bankrupt Yourself

    "IMHO, even if you end up bankrupt, it will still be worth it": what? That last statement is extremely illogical. You can make friends for free. If you want Harvard friends, visit. If you want a Harvard education, get it, once you can pay. But never think its worth getting bankrupt for; thats...
  31. helpteye

    MIT MFin MIT Master of Finance Employment Statistics?

    I went to the online chat and I asked about placement: They said it will be published next month and that so far only about 3 persons have not yet found positions. They also said the career guy will be on the next chat to clarify the data.
  32. helpteye

    Would you buy a Green card ($50k), H1B visa ($10K)?

    Did you see this at the end of the 1st page of that article?: 'Coming Monday: A Queens couple, married 17 years and denied three times, is still asking for a green card.'
  33. helpteye

    Would you buy a Green card ($50k), H1B visa ($10K)?

    use Work Visa Solution: H1B Visa, H1B Visa Sponsor, Visa Jobs and Green Card | . check professors/assistant professors and you will see that they receive permanent residence in less than 1 yr of filing. But not everyone can be a professor.
  34. helpteye

    MIT consider charging for online lectures

    If they want to charge then they should keep it to themselves. Many libraries are free, one just has to get up, drive or walk to the library and read.
  35. helpteye

    Bill Gates: This is the Best Online Education Resource

    I watched the entire discussion on Fora.TV. He is right to a large extent with the exception that the average individual is either incapable of, or too lethargic to guide themselves through online courses effectively.
  36. helpteye

    Hiring increase for finance jobs expected in 4th quarter

    Executives Ready to Hire Finance Pros in Q4 - Finance and Accounting Jobs News and Advice
  37. helpteye

    Collection of MFE admission numbers

    Nice article; for us international students, Baruch is the most economical option since the low cost minimizes risk; however, I still really like Berkeley's program, since it seems to take in Phd's.
  38. helpteye

    Just a plan....could it work?

    After your first BS, just move on to a PhD; in the phd you can always pick up courses in several disciplines that you are interested in. Otherwise you will be wasting a lot of time; most things can be learned from reading a book.
  39. helpteye

    America's century is over

    I am not too interested in joining what appears to be more of an argument than an intellectual debate, but I must mention that JDME seems confused about what the american model is. China is the largest communist country in the world. Americans call communism evil, yet you say china's model is...
  40. helpteye

    IRS: Hipster Day Trader Owes $172 Million In Back Taxes

    Yeah, they tried to hit me with a $11K bill from 08, despite the fact that my profit that yr was about half that; I had to send an explanation form with my actual trades showing my true profits. The online brokerage that I was using seems to send to the IRS only proceeds from sells, and not...
  41. helpteye

    America's century is over

    GDP per capita is not necessarily a good estimate when you consider that in the US the top 1% control 90% of the economy. The GDP per capita may be high, but tell that to the man cleaning other peoples toilets. ---------- Post added at 11:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:05 PM...
  42. helpteye

    The growth of the American nouveau poor

    Well in that case......yep. ---------- Post added at 06:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:27 PM ---------- Interesting; will look up that link now. ---------- Post added at 06:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:29 PM ---------- My friend, kindly leave race and...
  43. helpteye

    The growth of the American nouveau poor

    I do not think there is fascism at work here; its simple though, all-out capitalism does not work. We all want to make money, myself included, but it would be more satiating if poverty was eradicated in the richest most powerful country in the world. If the richest man has 50 billion dollars...
  44. helpteye

    The growth of the American nouveau poor

    I guess full-blooded capitalism is not the answer after all. Maybe a mix between capitalism and a welfare state (like the Japanese used) can work.
  45. helpteye

    5 Reasons Why Every Single College Ranking Is a Pile of Crap

    Finally an intellectual analysis of university education. This is what makes most quant job ads stupid to me. They say things like "PHD in quantitative subj. from top 10 school"... I always thought a PhD was about the level of the research done by an individual. I also hear people say I want...
  46. helpteye

    Alternative career paths for MFE grads

    While that transition is impressive, I do find it troubling. Why do a 12 mth program costing $50K+, to apply to another field like software apps design? Would a degree in those other areas not suffice? There is no logic to it as far as I am concerned. Doing an MFE, I believe, should mean a...
  47. helpteye

    Alternative career paths for MFE grads

    I am not yet an MFE grad since I am still completing my doctorate, but I am mostly interested in whether or not the skills used in quantitative finance can be utilized personally; the deeper issue is what sort of capital is required to implement such techniques? I recently read a post in which...
  48. helpteye

    Paul & Dominic's Guide to Quant Careers, Third Edition

    Well, he is a headHunter. He and Paul Wilmott (a Quant and cqf founder) put together this booklet ( I have read the earlier editions) that tell you about the process of getting a quant type job: The desirable skills, level of education, interview process, recommended texts etc. Its cool. The...
  49. helpteye

    Artificial Intelligence Textbooks?

    Yeah, I've checked the site; very informative. Will buy the text in due time.
  50. helpteye

    Artificial Intelligence Textbooks?

    Thank you. Will check it out now.
  51. helpteye

    Artificial Intelligence Textbooks?

    Any Recommendations on a good Artificial Intelligence text? This is my final year of my PHD so I am reluctant to take the AI course being offered because I need to work on my dissertation; however, I have been studying a lot of C++ recently, and after completing a chapter on pointers, function...
  52. helpteye

    Recommendation letters from professors.

    The idea is you ask a professor who you think respects you enough to write something good about you; also he/she should only agree if he/she thinks the recommendation would be good. Otherwise the response would be something along the lines: "I do not know you that well". ---------- Post added...
  53. helpteye

    Recommendation letters from professors.

    That is the way it is supposed to work. The idea is that the person being recommended should not be able to see or explicitly know what was written. It is supposedly a confidential process.
  54. helpteye

    Quick questions.

    Yes the show is still being made, at least according to wiki and their official site. However, they have not yet determined the time of release for season 3.
  55. helpteye

    Quick questions.

    I will definitely go to watch it; however, I think it is until Sept 24 or so that it will be released. Also looking forward to wallstreet warriors season 3, whenever they finally release it.
  56. helpteye

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    270? Are you sure? How did you manage that?
  57. helpteye

    What else do I need to do in order to get in to a top program ?

    In that case looking at your profile, and based on profiles of people i have seen in good mfe programs, i think you have an excellent opportunity at getting into one.
  58. helpteye

    What else do I need to do in order to get in to a top program ?

    this is a financial engr / quant forum; not actuarial
  59. helpteye

    What's wrong with the American university system

    You are completely wrong; The best professors are not necessarily at the big brand schools; However, the professors at the big brand schools clearly have to be extremely well educated, no doubt. However, there are many very good professors in regular schools who prefer the quieter life; life out...
  60. helpteye

    US College closes oversea MBA program due to rampant cheating

    That is a fair assessment Violet. The structure of the test does truly lend to rote memorization.
  61. helpteye

    US College closes oversea MBA program due to rampant cheating

    Dude I think he is talking about verbal. Everyone knows it is not hard to get 800 on the quantitative. If I ace a french test, then later you talk to me in french, and I think you are speaking German, there is something wrong. Come on.
  62. helpteye

    Kent State MFE cited Quantnet ranking in news release

    Cool; By the way, do you have any personal opinion on the program? I know it is inexpensive.
  63. helpteye

    US College closes oversea MBA program due to rampant cheating

    My friend: I do not think it is racist. There is an ongoing issue with GRE and GMAT in china specifically. One scenario is one guy writing the exam for another. I do not think anyone is suggesting all chinese or all indians cheat. That would be ridiculous. Read my post. I said many of them are...
  64. helpteye

    US College closes oversea MBA program due to rampant cheating

    I see Indian students doing it too; they simply speak in their own languages even in my PhD classes; yet many students from these two countries get perfect GRE scores, despite their horrible English language spelling and grammar, go to MIT and Standford, and people simply say they are brilliant...
  65. helpteye

    India’s $35 Tablet Laptop

    I doubt it; it seems more like a regular cellphone that the typical american has (a mini-browser and adobe reader), no hard drive and 2 GB memory? It will sell in the 3rd world, like Africa, where I came from and parts of Asia. However, think about it, if the average american would spend $20K...
  66. helpteye

    career switch - Mechical Engineer To quantitative analyst(Singapore)

    Uhmm.. I think you have to at least do an MFE. I have a masters in Mech Engr and about to get a PhD in Computational analysis and modeling, and I have 3 yrs stock trading experience; also I am very proficient in c++ and Matlab, but I know I need at least an MFin or MFE to make an above average...
  67. helpteye

    UBS quant interview question

    I do agree with you fully. The limit was the only problem, but now your answer is good and probably more of a formula than mine. Good. ---------- Post added at 11:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:02 AM ---------- Nice strategy, I actually prefer this even more than mine.
  68. helpteye

    UBS quant interview question

    Yes, I guess this is a better/more sophisticated way of putting. I have not looked over your math, but from a quick glance, I can see you are just using some basic algebra to make it look better. I would actually prefer to stick with my approach and your earlier approach because sometimes there...
  69. helpteye

    UBS quant interview question

    uhmmm......Your answer seems to be the same as mine, so why repeat my solution, or I guess I can also say, 'Great minds thinks alike'.. maybe you did not see my solution below. Good thinking process though.
  70. helpteye

    UBS quant interview question

    ok; but what do your x and y represent?
  71. helpteye

    UBS quant interview question

    The most I can say is: if you label the digits as abcd, such that a =1, b=9, c=7 and d=8 for example, then: 10a + b = first set of numbers and 10 c + d = 2nd and 10b + c = middle, then since 1s+2nd = middle, then 10a + b + 10c + d = 10b + c, therefore 10a -9 (b-c) + d = 0...
  72. helpteye

    Where to watch World cup for free

    no; you do not have to log in; just go to Watch Live Streaming Sports Online - ESPN3 you can watch it live and in HD there; u can also watch replays;
  73. helpteye

    Where to watch World cup for free in HD.
  74. helpteye

    JP Morgan Quants Predict World Cup Win 2010 for England

    Worldcup is never won by "small" teams? That's a crazy statement to make. The major teams had to be "small" before they became major teams..... Some teams are maturing.
  75. helpteye

    JP Morgan Quants Predict World Cup Win 2010 for England

    it depends on who they play in Round of 16; if Germany, then no quarterfinal; if Ghana, then maybe quarterfinal but not semifinal. There are some great teams out there. Germany will not have Ballack so they could underperform this time around for he is a true leader.Do not count out France, they...
  76. helpteye

    JP Morgan Quants Predict World Cup Win 2010 for England

    England will not pass semifinals; neither will Netherlands
  77. helpteye

    Questions about Masters program for Canadian Job Market

    Hey, does any one have actual links to statistics about MFE positions in Canada? and the placement rates of the universities there? Thanks.
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