People from the top 10 schools in this ranking find it hard to find a job so think about it.Still I am sure if you are good enough you will find a job - this is the ultimate goal after all, right?How should I feel if the MFE I want to apply to is not ranked here ?
Depends on your background, situation and the program you want to apply to but in general concerned would be a good feeling to have. If your program is not on this list then you may find it more difficult to get a job in a major financial center.How should I feel if the MFE I want to apply to is not ranked here ?
How should I feel if the MFE I want to apply to is not ranked here ?
You mean Stony Brook and Buffalo?there are a great deal of schools that were left out of that list and it seems inaccurate to me
You mean Stony Brook and Buffalo?
What are some reasons that a program might not be ranked?
I think the ranking methodology is much better than the 2009 version. Thanks, Andy for putting this together. In terms of transparency, would it be too much trouble to re-index the top program's score to 100 and work down from there? That way we can see what the separation is between each ranking slot. Also I'm curious, how close do the scores have to be to warrant a tie?In the interest of full disclose, the MFE programs participated in our 2011 ranking survey with an understanding that the data they submit will not be made public in the ranking, either aggregate or program specific. It will only be used to produce a partial score on which the ranking will be based.
So no, we will not release any data we have collected from the programs as well as from hiring managers.
If you are a current student or alumni of any MFE program, I invite you to take the initiative and ask your program to be more open and transparent in making the data available on their website. Not only it will help applicants make better decisions, it also will encourage more programs to open up. Only then, we will be able to publish the data in our future rankings.
The tie is determined after the final scores were rounded up to the nearest integer. To warrant a tie, two programs need to have identical final score.I'm curious, how close do the scores have to be to warrant a tie?
I wonder if Baruch does not advertise here and Andy did not graduate from that program, will Baruch still rank this high? Who would choose Baruch over Berkeley or Stanford if they are admitted to both programs?
This Andy Nguyen is a joke.
Let me just point out one thing:
Using this guy's funny methodology, we can easily rank any good headhunter on the street a better MFE program than any school on the list: just pick up candidates with high GPA/GRE and place them all with high first year pay, and DONE, you are now a TOP MFE program!!
Don't forget what you're trying to rank are progams in schools.
Any MFE rank that is not totally insane should place a high emphasis on the course setting/quality of teaching. However, Mr.Nugyen's "rank" totally ignored it.
This is major failing, and should keep us from viewing it as a resoanable rank. So I don't even need to point out other problems it has, i.e. doubtable data accuracy, subjective weighting, etc.
I suggest that Mr. Nguyen should go and try to find a real job. Probably not a too quantitaive one though. I wouldn't suggest any financial institute to hire any quant modeling like this. LOL