2024 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

We would soon implement a table view in addition to the card view where you can have the programs in a table like in previous rankings.
You can sort by column headers and switch between card and table view.
More improvements coming.
We would soon implement a table view in addition to the card view where you can have the programs in a table like in previous rankings.
You can sort by column headers and switch between card and table view.
More improvements coming.
This has been implemented for both the US and UK rankings. Please take a look, use the table view where you can sort by column.
Let us know if you run into any issue.

Screenshot 2024-07-17 at 11.02.40 AM.webp
The ranking now shows the average/mean undergraduate GPA of admitted students as reported by programs.
Keep in mind when you look at the admitted profiles in the Tracker, many GPA is self-reported and self-converted from a non 4.0 scale while the GPA reported by programs may use a different conversion scale. Some programs only report GPA of domestic students.
What do you have in mind?
I know I am late to respond, but as some of the metrics in the ranking have a 2 year class lag, I think incorporating input from the current or pervious year's class would benefit the ranking and the decision making of prospectus MFE students. Perhaps, a survey of satisfaction from the current class or the percentage of students who obtained paid internships the previous summer.
I know I am late to respond, but as some of the metrics in the ranking have a 2 year class lag, I think incorporating input from the current or pervious year's class would benefit the ranking and the decision making of prospectus MFE students. Perhaps, a survey of satisfaction from the current class or the percentage of students who obtained paid internships the previous summer.
Can you clarify your points about some metrics being 2 years lag?
To your point about having some sort of input from recent students, I think it would benefit prospective students as far as having a deeper insight into the programs.
This is the exact reason I have tried to get as much alumni reviews as possible. As you can see on the ranking page, some programs only have a handful of reviews despite enrolling over a hundred students every year for the past 20 years. This tells me the quantity and quality are not there. It's not for a lack of trying from all stakeholders.
I love hearing feedback from all our members who have benefited from the insights that our rankings provide.
Can you clarify your points about some metrics being 2 years lag?
To your point about having some sort of input from recent students, I think it would benefit prospective students as far as having a deeper insight into the programs.
This is the exact reason I have tried to get as much alumni reviews as possible. As you can see on the ranking page, some programs only have a handful of reviews despite enrolling over a hundred students every year for the past 20 years. This tells me the quantity and quality are not there. It's not for a lack of trying from all stakeholders.
I love hearing feedback from all our members who have benefited from the insights that our rankings provide.
Regarding the 2 (now that I think about it, 3) year gap:
For the students currently applying to Quant Masters programs, they are looking at the 2025 rankings to assist with their decisions. I attend a program that requires 36 credits, or 1.5 years, for completion. Therefore, the students from my program who are represented in the rankings are the students who graduated in 2023, while prospective students are going to graduate in 2026. With the volatility in the job market, finding a job in 2026 will look much different than in 2023.

I understand that there will be inconsistencies in the metrics, but that's where I believe that there should be input from current/alumni about the day-to-day of the program. With the program reviews that you mentioned, I am a fan of the three ratings that are provided: Students Quality, Courses/Instructors, and Career Services. Perhaps, QuantNet can incorporate a weighted sum of these ratings as a metric in the rankings. Unfortunately, as you mentioned, there are only a handful of students who have submitted reviews. If there is a way to substantially increase this number (mass email? LinkedIn campaign? coordination from schools?), incorporating some feedback about student satisfaction will definitely improve prospective students' decision making.

With this one critique, I am incredibly thankful for all the work that QuantNet does for students/young professionals who want to break into the quantitative finance industry. Keep up the great work!
Hey @David Maltz
Thank you for your input which I really appreciate. Everything Quantnet has done over the years is to pursue one mission: to provide members like you with information, hard data and knowledge to best prepare for a career as a quantitative finance professional.
Students reviews are one of the most valuable pieces of data you can use to get insight into a program. They are also the most difficult to obtain.
I literally contacted dozens of students at every program every year about writing a review to share their experience. As you can see, this is not something people eager to do out of their busy life.
It's hard to convince people to do something that is not directly beneficial them. It's a hard, cold fact of life. Very little that I or the school can do to change it.
In an ideal world, students would have a lot of recent and comprehensive reviews from all programs on our ranking to get their balanced views and see which one is best for them instead of relying on a number.

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