MFE programs talk a lot about acceptance rates, but they contain little information.
They say nothing about content, and little about reputation.
First, lets do a thought experiment...
Imagine a course that has a 50:1 ratio of applicants to places.
It moves to a new building, and hires a couple more shit hot professors, and so can handle 20% more students. So by this metric, the course is now 40:1 and thus less good ?
Imagine also that the demand for courses goes down by 25%, so it's now 30:1, so by this metric a course that has improved is measured as little better than half as good.
Next, look at the people dooing the measurement, are they internationally renowned experts in the career opportunities afforded to quants like me (he says modestly), or are they mostly newbies fresh out of a course like physics or mathematics which has not even educated them to the level of banking knowledge that they could name all 10 of the largest banks ?
It is these newbies that decide these numbers based upon the effectiveness of their marketing to 21 year olds.