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Anybody here failed in trying to become a quant?

More often than most people would admit. This is a cut throat field since there isn't a universal standard for being called "quant".
I think lot of people got the impression of a quant from reading Emanuel Derman's "My Life As a Quant".
Data analysts, software developers, actuary, etc are just as good a job.
Hey I am just a entry level Machine Learning Engineer and I am thinking about giving up my dream of becoming a Quant Developer as I don't think I can get into the top 10 MFE programs , I will have to gain some experience only then I will be able to aspire a quant job
Hey I am just a entry level Machine Learning Engineer and I am thinking about giving up my dream of becoming a Quant Developer as I don't think I can get into the top 10 MFE programs , I will have to gain some experience only then I will be able to aspire a quant job
You DON'T need to get into a top 10 MFE program to become a Quant Developer. If you check on LinkedIn, you'll see people who are Quant Developers and didn't attend a top 10 MFE program.
Hey I am just a entry level Machine Learning Engineer and I am thinking about giving up my dream of becoming a Quant Developer as I don't think I can get into the top 10 MFE programs , I will have to gain some experience only then I will be able to aspire a quant job

more often than not, quant developer is just a standard SWE but at a quant firm, and also just a tiny fraction of where most MFEs end up. don't put too much emphasis on the 'quant' keyword: quant traders = traders, quant reseachers = researchers, quant developers = developers.