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UCB MFE Berkeley first round interview

Hi, I had a skype interview two weeks ago with a Berkeley MFE current student. But I have not heard anything back yet. Has anyone here received a second interview from them? Thank you
I interviewed on 2/6, it is pretty much two weeks now. How u did on the technical questions?
Not too bad, I only had a morning to prepare while those questions were kinda easy. I received the notification on Friday afternoon and the interview was on Sunday~
Not too bad, I only had a morning to prepare while those questions were kinda easy. I received the notification on Friday afternoon and the interview was on Sunday~
well, I received my interview invitation on Wednesday afternoon, then had it on Thursday morning. I dont think that I did well. Hopefully can get the second interview
well, I received my interview invitation on Wednesday afternoon, then had it on Thursday morning. I dont think that I did well. Hopefully can get the second interview
Yeah, actually it was my first interview for application season, anyway, wish u the best luck~