New Quantnet forum software

Hey Andy, looking good :)
Any chance of the most recent post showing up at the top as it did in the past? (or an external click option to show most recent?)
Glad you like it, Amanda. I misunderstood what you meant. You were asking for the samething as Ali. I know some people sort the order of the post in a thread by latest first.
The new software eliminate the needs to work around it. If you click on a thread which you never read before, it will link to the first post, or the latest post that you haven't read.
It remembers where the last time you read inside a thread. Isn't it amazing?
Can we have the category field ?
I also would like to have category field since I found it very helpful.
Yes, I coded it originally but I removed it because of limited width. I'll add it back tomorrow and see how it fit in.
Regardless of some details I already don't want to go back. Although I miss some good friends like category field, posts per day (since we could identify how frequent a user is), and top posters' rating. :)
You will not want to go back. The top poster, poster ranking are removed by design. I do not want people to pay attention to who has the most post, has been a member here the longest and any of that artificial things (they have been moved to the member's profile page).
The new design focuses on the content and when you reply to someone, you don't pay attention on the seniority of that person. Everyone is equal here.

And the Like system will reward you for posting something helpful, informative.
Hi Andy,

The intellisense will take some time to get used to - I guess I am referring to multi-page posts, the most relevant postings are the most recent.

An example would be: Given the subject, the topic is obvious - new people are introducing themselves. I had never visited this thread before. There are 46-pages and it directs me to the first post. August 19, 2006.

I can find the little page numbers at the top of the post and manually click to page 46, no problem. But I still need to scroll to the bottom of the page and read upwards. Going to the next page (45) again brings me to the top of the page. On an 11" screen this is a little tedious.

If we are to keep the intellisense, can we add an option to "view all pages" instead of showing x posts per page?

Perhaps my background in design methodologies and ergonomics is clouding my judgement here... :)
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I added the Forum name to after the thread title. Looks like we have to do some adjusting to fit these much info into the box. Maybe remove the views count and only keep the replies count.
Hi Andy. Got a question again: When I post a reply to a thread, it doesn't show up on the top of most recent posts. Does someone have to answer it to make it appear on top? And one more: Similar one, when I posted a new thread about Donald Trump, it didn't appear on the top and not even in most recent posts until somebody replied.
I don't like the white background, the contrast with the black hurts my eyes. You should implement a way to change the background colors (or maybe it already exists and I'm too stupid to figure it out).

Edit: That's a lot better, thanks.
I don't like the white background, the contrast with the black hurts my eyes. You should implement a way to change the background colors (or maybe it already exists and I'm too stupid to figure it out).
I agree. I turned on the black background so people get some sense of familiarity when we first switch to the new software but after running it for over 24 hours, it does not look good.
I'm using the default color scheme right now which I have beta tested for the past several months and have grown to like it for extended period of time. It may take a bit getting used to but people eventually agree it's easier for reading.
1) In previous version's parlay, we call them Private Message (PM). In this new software, it's called Personal Conversation. You can start one in your Inbox.
You now have the ability to invite more participants into a Personal Conversation. If you initiate the PC, you can allow or disallow this feature. Good for private group discussion.

2) You can quote multiple posts on a single discussion thread by repeatedly click on the Reply button. Please use them when necessary.

3) Next to the Reply button is the new "Like" button. Please use it to show your appreciation for a good answer, helpful advice or something you simply agree with.

4) There is a Tweet and Facebook's Recommend button at the bottom of every thread. Please use them to share a great discussion thread you come across on Quantnet. This will help us out a lot.

And thanks everyone for sharing their comments on the new software.
Hi Andy, the latest forum discussion part in the main page shows "No Items" all the time, fyi.
Hi Andy, the latest forum discussion part in the main page shows "No Items" all the time, fyi.
Thanks for the report. Can you see it if you log out?
Can you click on the What's New? at the top and see if new posts are shown?
Can you clear your browser's cache? (Ctrl+F5)

If possible, I would love to see some screenshots of what you are seeing and we will get to the bottom of it.
You now have the ability to Watch a forum (in addition to single Thread) and get an email, Alert or both for new threads or new replies.

Just look at the top of this thread.
Im a bit lost here. The 'Download" button doesn't work so I cannot find the list of research papers including mine. Threads are getting lost when I post a reply. It should pop up no the top. So that I can find it someone having answered on. :(
Hi Andy, the latest forum discussion part in the main page shows "No Items" all the time, fyi.
Threads are getting lost when I post a reply. It should pop up no the top. So that I can find it someone having answered on. :(
Please click on the What's New? button on the top and All Recent Messages to list every post made. The Latest post box seems flaky.
Im a bit lost here. The 'Download" button doesn't work so I cannot find the list of research papers including mine.
We haven't migrated the Downloads section over to this platform yet. The files are still all there.

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