What Sorts of Jobs Will a Math/ Stat Masters From a State School Get You?

Would it be possible to do something like stat. arb. with a masters from a 2nd tier state school?
What does a "2nd tier state school" have to do with what you know enough for the job?
Do you know database? Have you worked with them before?
Do you know programming? Have you done any research into this field, such as players, strategy, trends, etc?
What does a "2nd tier state school" have to do with what you know enough for the job?

Absolutely nothing. Unfortunately, it's a fact that brand name matters. A math grad from MIT is going to have more opportunities than a math grad from a school ranked no. 100.
Do you know database? Have you worked with them before?
Do you know programming? Have you done any research into this field, such as players, strategy, trends, etc?
Yes. I only have a bachelors but I would consider myself to have the same knowledge and ability as an MFE graduate due to my own research and self-studying.

However, that's not a credential. Employers care about credentials and I need to know which ones they value so that I can get them.

My grades as an undergrad were low. So, I won't be getting into any MFE programs or top-tier grad programs. However, I could feasibly get into and complete a 'second-tier' grad program.
The ultimate stat arb credential is a profitable track record.
I think the ability to convey your knowledge and qualifications (given you have them, of course) would be the most important thing when being considered for a job...or when applying to top-tier grad programs.
What kind of job? If you're lucky, a low-paying hire-at-will job which will revolve around programming data analysis software, whether building it from scratch, or improving it, until you can get some more experience, connections, and leverage that into a better position. But first you have to get lucky enough to find that first job.

If you don't mind me asking, how low is low on your undergrad GPA? 3.32?
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