Search results

  1. A

    Best browser out there

    Has anyone tried Opera browser. This browser is totally legit. Since Microsoft has completely failed when it comes to browsers, here are my browser preferences, ranked in order 1 -> Opera, Chrome 2 -> Safari, Firefox 3 -> Rock melt -- I like the concept but haven't tried it yet And If...
  2. A

    What features would you like to see on Quantnet ?

    Andy, you should definitely consider putting together a book / e-book, something along the lines of (i) , book: Lifehacker: 88 Tech Tricks to Turbocharge Your Day and (ii) Joel on book: More Joel Software Occasionally Developers. There is a treasure...
  3. A

    UK imposes new permanent immigration quota

    Closing the flood gates slowing will probably cause some "educated and hungry" people short term pain, but these individuals would eventually settle somewhere else. Call me a cynic, but I think when it comes to US immigration policies, politicians only act if said legislation benefits them in...
  4. A

    NYU student with 100K loan

    I really symphatize with this individual. $200k in debt, at 23. Being an international that has gone through the US system for undergrad and now grad, I don't understand why some Americans follow a "swipe-the-card-now-and-ask-questions-later" approach (or take-the-loan-now) once it comes to...
  5. A

    Tell me why you want to become a trader

    Models and Bottles, arm
  6. A

    Short term + Long term career goals

    Looking at the profiles for the admitted folks might help. I know Baruch and UCB publish them
  7. A

    HPC : Top 500 supercomputer List.

    And the Chinese Tianhe-1A system takes the no. 1 spotNovember 2010 | Top 500 Supercomputing sites
  8. A

    Worth it to get a unfunded Phd Program in computational finance

    Here is a post from a few months ago about taking unfunded PhD Take unsupported PhD position?. The general consensus is not to go that route.
  9. A

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Employment Statistics for December 2010 graduates

    Wouldn't it be nice if most of the other MFE programs out there were this transparent...
  10. A

    OR Phd pursuing Columbia CVN OR-Methods in Finance?

    You might be looking for something like this Certificate in Computational Finance | University of Washington Professional and Continuing Education
  11. A

    Hadoop, NoSQL db's in Finance

    I'm just curious as to how prevalent Hadoop and NoSQL db's are in finance in general and in quant circles?
  12. A

    7 programming languages on the rise

    Check this out How Google and Facebook are Using R. A very interesting read by the way.
  13. A

    Comic Relief - GPU vs CPU

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    2nd Career? Do I REALLY need a Ph.D.?

    Take a look at this and
  15. A

    R buckling under stress

    I found a .csv dataset that is fairly clean, and had some trouble loading it into R. The dataset has about half a million observations and 10 variables. Initially it took about 5 minutes to get the data in R, after which I could run some stats on the data... On a second try I cleared my...
  16. A

    C++ and its applications in Finance

    Dr. Duffy of Datasim, happens to be a member here..maybe you can pose you questions directly to him
  17. A

    What laptop do you have?

    With this is your back pack, it'll be like hauling around a log of wood please I like the bluray player though The M11x looks nice
  18. A

    Which one should I do?

    Having the SAS certificate is nice.. However, I don't believe it is used widely in finance as compared to R and SQL. Maybe practitioners can comment on this. The SAS Base certification will cost you $90 if you are a student / affiliated with a University (education pricing), and you can find...
  19. A Tech eBooks (pdf) for $10

    Check out the Daily book deal from They sell an ebook [pdf] version of a random Apress book for $10 each day. If you already have an Apress book, you can also buy an ebook version of the book for $10 too...enjoy Also see the catalog...
  20. A

    What laptop do you have?

    I'm currently using a 13' Macbook pro unibody... you just can't beat the Mac user experience. You can explore VirtualBox.. it is a free alternative to vmware, and it works flawlessly. I have Ubuntu on my virtual box. It's not dual boot per se. A windows variant...
  21. A

    What laptop do you have?

    You will be paying a premium if you consider Mac. Those things are delicate, nice and shiny out of the box and will not bode well, if you will have it thrown around a lot. I had an IBM T61 workhorse back in the day, You could literally throw that thing in a pail of water or out the second...
  22. A

    Matlab R2010b for students. When?

    I'm curious Alain, what sort of things/tasks do you use R for in your group.
  23. A

    Matlab R2010b for students. When?

    Yes, you can't beat free.. it is also a legit Matlab alternative. I'm currently playing around with it. The learning curve is not too steep if you are already familiar with programming.
  24. A

    Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis

    Foresight is always 20-20
  25. A

    Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis

    The Peter Schiff guy is running for senate
  26. A

    wall street to cut 80,000 jobs

    A quote for the times.
  27. A

    Engineering PhD switching to MBA Finance

    From your brief profile, you will probably have little trouble getting into a top MFE program.There are a few PhD converts on here quantnet who made a similar switch. However, If money is your only motivation, I'm sure that won't go well with the ad committee when they read your SOP. Have you...
  28. A

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Take a look at the master reading list Master reading list for quants, MFE students | Quant Network. Also, search through the forum, similar questions have been answered.
  29. A

    Four Figure Table nostalgia

    I just ran into a copy of a four figure table, and it reminded me of the good old high school days. For reference, a four figure table is a book with mathematical tables for things like sin(x), log(x), probability distributions, etc.. It was mandatory in national exams (no calculators). We...
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    Why don't you apply first and then if you get into all these schools,.the decision will be easier as you'll have more data points to make an informed decision - cost. location, etc Not all schools have undergrad placement figures, but you can always reach out to the dept you're interested in...
  31. A

    For-Profit Colleges Mislead Students, Report Finds

    Without being too personal, I think you need to change your mindset. You've said you have some decent R skills, start an llc and look for contract gigs. Do something, anything as long as you are building your skillset every day and making yourself better than the next guy
  32. A

    For-Profit Colleges Mislead Students, Report Finds

    This doesn't make much sense...Remember that nobody holds a gun to your head and forces you to take a loan for education. It's not a lenders responsibility to help you find a job to repay a loan
  33. A

    For-Profit Colleges Mislead Students, Report Finds

    It is somewhat ironic that these for-profit schools sell a dream to the uninitiated. Education or a good college degree is sometimes the only opportunity some folks have to pull themselves out of poverty..instead, some of these students are stuck with life long debt. At the end of the day...
  34. A

    For-Profit Colleges Mislead Students, Report Finds

    For Goldman, it's all business,..
  35. A

    Rutgers MSMF Rutgers MSMF Placement

    Assuming half the graduating class did not respond to the survey, then these numbers don't say much. I guess the PR dept. tries to sugar coat every thing. It would be interesting to get some real numbers on how many people actually responded and how many didn't. How can a school say the have...
  36. A

    iRex eInk Readers - personal experience?

    Most of the books on the reading list don't have a kindle version yet. Unless publishers of quant books start offering pdf versions of their books..this device may not be ready for this audience. I would buy the kindle, but I have no interest in reading Pride and Prejudice or most of the...
  37. A

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Or if you have a large enough network on linkedin, you can search for folks that graduated from the program and see what they are doing now
  38. A

    UCB MFE UCB MFE numbers for 2010 - Fake and Unethical?

    Sign on bonuses are almost the norm in consulting for entry level ... In IT, maybe not
  39. A

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    You have a PhD and couple years of experience in the industry...Why do you need an MFE again?
  40. A

    Inception - the movie

    Come to think of it, you never remember how a dream just find yourself there.
  41. A

    Inception - the movie

    Probably one of the best movies I've seen in a while.. superb story line, intricate plot,..etc Planning to go see it a second time
  42. A


    Welcome, your questions have been answered in some shape or form already. Try searching the threads. You can also look at profiles of admitted students at the UCB mfe site to get a feel of the type of folks that make it in.
  43. A

    UCB MFE UCB MFE numbers for 2010 - Fake and Unethical?

    I don't think anyone is discouraging whistle blowers...That is one reason sites like Quantnet exist.. to educate and enlighten. Evidence to this are the numerous reviews for MFE programs on quantnet.
  44. A

    UCB MFE UCB MFE numbers for 2010 - Fake and Unethical?

    This doesn't make any sense... why would UCB post fake stats??
  45. A

    What Canada is doing right?

    Please see the link below for your viewing pleasure Despite all their wealth and prosperity, Canada does a very good job on staying out of the spot light
  46. A

    INFORMS Competitions

    Informs competitions Current Competitions
  47. A

    CMU MSCF CMU Undergraduate Computational Finance

    If the program has a cap of 10 students a year.. there are a lot of people doing S&T, so the rest had to come from somewhere. You probably don't want to limit / pigeon-hole yourself by doing a CF bachelors, because you may be interested in other things four or five years down the line.
  48. A

    Master reading list for Quants, MFE (Financial Engineering) students

    Anyone gone through this book yet? Algorithmic Trading and DMA: An introduction to direct access trading strategies
  49. A

    Where to watch World cup for free

    wow.. talk about brain washing.. I'm sure they didn't have the guts to broadcast the smack down by portugal
  50. A

    temple's mfe program.. and just a general question

    Why do you have limited options??? You are a paying customer where ever you go..
  51. A

    Affordable Cell Phone plans...

    Just an FYI, AT&T service sucks
  52. A

    HPC : Top 500 supercomputer List.

    Very interesting graphic om BBC about supercomputers BBC News - In graphics: Supercomputing superpowers Two Chinese supercomputers cracked the top 10 this year BBC News - China aims to be become supercomputer superpower BBC News - Alternative supercomputer powers Here the top 500 list...
  53. A

    NYU student with 100K loan

    There has been some chatter about the organization - Graduate Student Loans, Federal Stafford Loans, Federal PLUS Loans, Graduate PLUS Loans, and Private Student Loans on some other sites. They apparently provide graduate school loans for internationals. Not quite sure if they...
  54. A

    NYU student with 100K loan

    Employers probably know how much it costs to attend the program and thus the high average signing bonus figure. I am guessing Baruch' s average signing bonus is less than 30k ---------- Post added at 05:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:36 PM ---------- Baruch MFE has a huge value...
  55. A

    NYU student with 100K loan

    All for an undergrad interdisciplinary degree in religious and women’s studies, which she could have gotten cheaper or for free even at one of those state schools...
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    MFE or Bust!

    Looking forward to more posts from you as you progress along your new path
  57. A


    SAP??.. These are two different things you're talking about...go with C++
  58. A

    JP Morgan Quants Predict World Cup Win 2010 for England

    You may not need to wait too long,...African teams have been very successful in the U-17 World Cup (5 of 13 tournaments won by an African team with also 5 second place and 3 third place finishes by African teams), U-20 World Cup (1 of 17 tournaments won by an African team with 4 second place and...
  59. A

    Datasim NYC C++ course for MSc, Phd and MFE students with Daniel Duffy

    Datasim NYC C++ course for MFE, MSc and Phd students with Daniel Duffy Datasim has an upcoming course in NYC taught by Dr. Duffy. Datasim Financial Forums | View topic - C++ course for MSc, Phd and MFE students with Daniel Duffy Datasim Financial | Resources for Computational Finance |
  60. A

    Student, 23, ‘cheated’ his way into America’s Ivy League institutions

    The student could have probably gotten away with it and graduated from Harvard, if he didn't get complacent and start believing his own lie...
  61. A

    What are you listening to now ?

    Green Day - American Idiot Bond -- me likey Beethoven 9th Symphony rendition by Herbert Von Karajan Crocodile Rock - Elton John A Change is Gonna Come - Seal Changes - 2pac (classic)
  62. A

    iPad, do you iWant?

    Another ereader joins the market fray Kobo Who is Kobo is eReading: anytime. anyplace. Other market players Barnes & Nobles Nook NOOK, eReader, eBook reader - BarnesNoble Amazon Kindle and Kindle DX Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6 Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)...
  63. A

    MSc Finance -Illinois Tech (IIT)

    IIT's curriculum is looking more interesting. A lot of options!!
  64. A

    Any thoughts on growth of electronic trading in emerging markets?

    I was wondering if anyone here had any insights or experience on the growth of quantitative trading in emerging markets in Africa like Johannesburg, Cairo-Alexandra, Casablanca and Lagos. Most of these exchanges just made the transition to electronic around the turn of the millennium..
  65. A

    US Expats giving up Citizenship

    Interesting article...More American Expatriates Give Up Citizenship - . and you're still on the hook to Uncle Sam for old tax bills even though you renounce your citizenship
  66. A

    Energy Trader new to QuantNet got some Q's =)

    Maybe you can do a blog post / fresher on electricity trading and stuff on this site to get the conversation started
  67. A

    Aspiring Quant - the math way or the econ/finance way?

    Donny, for machine learning maybe you can leverage this site CS 229: Machine Learning for some self learning. It has all the materials, handouts, past projects (which are quite interesting), etc...and you can also get all the class videos (about 40 of them or so) from itunes U.
  68. A

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    Now that Arizona has drawn first blood, maybe the house and senate can get their act together and pass comprehensive immigration reform
  69. A

    Advices on joining ETH MSc QF program

    Do you mind filing out the quantnet review for the ETH program. Submit A Review for Your Program | Quant Network
  70. A

    Baruch MFE Polytech's MS Financial Engineering

    Take a look at this blog entry How to prepare for financial engineering programs | Quant Network by one of the members here. Your questions have been answered in some shape or form on this site already.
  71. A

    Comic Relief

    funny video
  72. A

    No Programming Experience

    kbharadwaj, you can download one of the volumes as a pdf from the author's site. If you have one of those ebook reader contraptions...might be a good idea. You can buy it if you like the feel of a physical book Bruce Eckel's MindView, Inc: Thinking in C++ 2nd Edition by Bruce Eckel
  73. A

    iPad, do you iWant?

    A list of some of the potential players in the tablet market. The iPad is looking more like a damm RIPOFF JooJoo JooJoo HP Slate HPs Windows 7 Slate Strikes at the iPad | Gadget Lab | Dell Tablet Dells iPad | Gadget Lab | WePad WePad - Designed in Germany | WePad...
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    One of our members here is blogging about his experience so far into the quant world . Take a look at his blog: Reasons why I joined the Illinois Institute of Technologys Master in Finance program | Quant Network . This might give you some ideas / important factors to consider in making your...
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    COMPARE which program would you guys recommend?Rutgers,Claremont, Fordham, JHU, Minnesota

    Didn't know JHU had a math finance program. Did you call them to get placement information for past graduates (if there are any yet) ? ----------- Edit This is from the JHU site. JHU Engineering is highly regarded in the engineering space...maybe this will rub off on the math finance...
  76. A

    Intellectually Stimulating Career Path?

    Please don't hijack other peoples threads.
  77. A

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    Exactly, so if folks make an investment to get an education in the US, there is nothing completely out of the ordinary if they expect a return on that investment.
  78. A

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    Case in point Sweden. Tuition in Sweden is free as in free beer, free software, etc for everybody including international students. The swedish tax payers subsidize the education. The swedish higher education system is probably comparable to the American/ Canadian systems in terms of quality...
  79. A

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    You do have some valid points, and yes this is a very very sensitive issue. At least from my experience people leave their countries and come to the US to study because of the chance for a better life. The governments in their home countries are "extremely corrupt" and most of the institutions...
  80. A

    Student reviewers of MFE programs

    For a program, that was founded over a decade ago, one would expect Michigan MFE to have a bigger footprint in the quant space. Maybe since it is housed in the engineering school, they have not felt the need to fire up their marketing / PR machine . To interview in the same pool as folks...
  81. A

    Datasim Financial Distance Learning Courses

    Just wondering if anyone has taken any of the Datasim Financial DL courses. Some of them seem to cover a lot of depth. I see this as an alternative to some mfe programs refresher courses. Andy, can you lobby for a reasonable quantnet discount, this might be something folks might be interested...
  82. A

    MFE -> Investment Banking?

    I have a friend who has about four years work experience in Health care / medical Research. He just got into Kellogg, Wash U and Duke MBA programs.. I've also seen people with stellar profiles go from undergrad to top 10 MBA. Moral of the story: if you never apply then you'll never know if...
  83. A

    COMPARE Columbia MSOR vs. BU MSFM vs. Rutgers-MQF vs. Claremont MFE

    Columbia MSOR is one the programs that has been discussed extensively here..Please take a moment to look at posts from financeguy in the attached thread some truth about the Columbia MSOR - Forum | Quant Network
  84. A

    COMPARE Boston vs. Columbia

    Any program that promises or offers internship even before you enroll should be suspect. Even programs like Berkeley, CMU, Baruch who have remarkable placement stats year after year don't promise this. These schools I just listed all publish their placement stats on their webpages, and I...
  85. A

    Perelman declines $1m prize

    yeah,.I saw that,.. Matt Damon left his math gig for a girl.
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    Perelman declines $1m prize

    incredible...this individual can probably land a position at any math department, anywhere in the world. Is this a waste of talent or what?
  87. A

    COMPARE CMU MSCF vs USC PhD of Finance and Business Economics

    Very interesting POV, I guess the primary goal of these professional programs is to get folks ready for industry.
  88. A

    Google stops censoring web for China

    Haven't been to China, but viewing from outside ..what do I see? - A government that restricts the free flow of information to its citizens by blocking sites like youtube, facebook and twitter to list a few, filtering internet search result so users cannot access politically sensitive...
  89. A

    Perelman declines $1m prize

    I remember when this was solved back in '03. My calc prof at the time came to class all jumpy and excited
  90. A

    COMPARE Boston Univ Vs Rutgers Univ Placement and Location

    Is this published in any Rutgers official media...this came up on QN a while back and was attributed to hear say / erroneous information
  91. A

    QuantNet Coding Project

    Quick and dirty.. language : python def is_a_prime(i): for x in range(2, int(i**0.5)+1): if i % x == 0: return False return True num = 600851475143 for x in range(1, num): if num % x == 0 and is_a_prime(x): print (x) ---------- Post added at...
  92. A

    QuantNet Coding Project

    language : Python t_sum = 0 for x in range(1, 1000): if x % 3 == 0 or x % 5 == 0: t_sum = t_sum + x print(t_sum) >>> ================================ RESTART ================================ >>> 233168 >>> time to run (0.021638154983520508, 'seconds') ---------- Post added...
  93. A

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    Exactly,.. but with most bills, sponsors usually start with very leftist or rightist ideas and then eventually compromise in the middle. Call me a cynic, but I would be surprised if something like this passes. This will literally open up the flood gates for folks to get those elusive GCs
  94. A

    Take unsupported Stony Brook Quantitative Finance PhD position ?

    Read the wsj article about the med student with about half a million in debt..Thought it was funny when the collection agency started calling her dad's neighbors to complain she wasn't making her payments
  95. A

    Take unsupported Stony Brook Quantitative Finance PhD position ?

    Seeing that your goal is to get into a quant job, why not just cut to the chase and consider doing an MFE somewhere The stats from some of the good schools look very good (UCB remarkable placement even in a recession, among other schools like Baruch, CMU, etc). I have friends that finished last...
  96. A

    Learning Python together

    I think the initiator of this thread meant it to read 'The rise of Python'
  97. A

    Learning Python together

    A few more python resources Dive Into Python Python Module of the Week -...
  98. A

    PS3 supercomputer

    The IBM Road Runner super computer used a ton of those cell processors
  99. A

    COMPARE [UK] MSc Finance: LSE vs Imperial vs Cass

    British degree hierarchy, similar to American hierarchy of Summa Cum Laude, Magma Cum Laude, Cum Laude. I'm a bit unclear with the mapping between the two systems, that is a 2.2 does not directly map to Cum Laude, etc 1 -> 1st class honors 2 -> 2nd class honors - 2.1 -> (Second...
  100. A

    10 websites I visit every day

    Google Google News QuantNetwork BBC - Homepage The New York Times - Breaking News, World News Multimedia Python Programming Language -- Official Website Online Alarm Clock Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Computers, Books, DVDs more Project Euler Woot : One Day, One Deal (SM)
  101. A

    What is an entry-level trader's annual salary supposed to be?

    I always thought the goal of an interview with a prospective employer is to show them you have some of the skill set required to hit the ground running, and not to convince them you can be trained!!
  102. A

    New QN font face does not look good

    The new QN font face does not look I the only one who noticed ???
  103. A

    What is an entry-level trader's annual salary supposed to be?

    Okay dude, this might sound cheesy, but at some point everyone started at ground zero. So if you need to get experience to get that job, there a few things you could do. You can go incorporate an LLC and look into sites like Elance | Outsource to freelancers, professionals, experts, and...
  104. A

    The rise of Python!

    Just spoke to them,.. looks like a decent python bootcamp. The author of NumPy is actually their President..interesting
  105. A

    MIT MFin Why so many people apply MIT MS Finance this year?

    can you do the quantnet MS program review? The most people know about the program is that it costs $70,000...
  106. A

    RPI Financial Engineering and Risk Analytics

    There has been a lot of feedback about the Columbia program. You can search the forum for posts from financeguy
  107. A

    RPI Financial Engineering and Risk Analytics

    This is a new program and they don't have a window for internships, and you'll be paying 38k USD for the experience. I'd rather take my chances elsewhere or go for a strong IEOR program. You are aware, you'll be competing with students from Columbia, Cornell, NYU, Baruch, CMU for jobs!!!
  108. A

    COMPARE Consulting Career: Columbia MSOR vs Stanford MS&E

    McKinsey, Bain and BCG at their core are strategy consulting firms. The are probably the top players in the strategy space. So the easier way to get into these firms would be through the MBA route. A top 10 MBA would definitely buy you some face time with their recruiters. That said, if you're...
  109. A

    MIT OCW is a real gem

    I've looked at this in the past. It lacks the depth and breadth offered by the ocw
  110. A

    MIT OCW is a real gem

    I used this site a lot back in the day, sometimes as a substitute to some of the classes I was taking at my college. The quality of the instruction is very good. I'm salivating over a few of the new courses they have up now Free Online Course Materials | MIT OpenCourseWare ...thanks for sharing, MIT
  111. A

    Do Banks Hire Older Workers as Analysts?

    ---- classic quote but true in some ways
  112. A

    What is an entry-level trader's annual salary supposed to be?

    Most of the exceptional programmers I know were either Math or Electrical Engineering majors. Only about a quarter of my ACM team members back in the day were CS majors. Give those dev roles a shot...if you think you're strong enough / competitive. You never know.
  113. A

    What is an entry-level trader's annual salary supposed to be?

    It would be difficult trying to live in NY or the tri state area with that sort of income. Maybe the first offer might not be the best offer..Maybe you should keep looking. Armed with a BS/MS you should be getting more than $42k. Then again, if your other prospects look good, then say no to...
  114. A

    UCB MFE Review of UC Berkeley MFE program

    RAKESHPILANIA maybe you should write a review to give people a more balanced view.
  115. A

    Student reviewers of MFE programs

    These reviews definitely remove the veil of Infallibility from some of these programs, and sort of levels the playing field for the paying 'customers'
  116. A

    Student reviewers of MFE programs

    I wouldn't write UCB off just based on one review
  117. A

    Student reviewers of MFE programs

    This review definitely casts UCB in a different light. I am surprised however that this is the first UCB review. With the placement stats they put up year after year, some graduates should have something positive to say about the program
  118. A


    This has been discussed in detail before. Refer to this page some truth about the Columbia MSOR - QuantNetwork - Financial Engineering Forum or try searching the forum.
  119. A

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    It boggles my mind that candidate 1 will be picked over candidate 2. Especially with the recent debate about legalizing all the illegals. Those that have followed the law to the letter will have to wait for their turn in line....which could be several years especially if you're from China or...
  120. A

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    See attachment. This is one of the better US immigrations guides I've seen. I ran across a few people and experiences over the past months that made me wonder why there has been so much recent back lash against the H1B program. Of course some would say it is the 9.7% unemployment and a lot of...
  121. A

    Lost phone, new one probably in 3 weeks

    I've been looking for a google voice invite for a while. If anyone can send me an invite please PM me.
  122. A

    Comic Relief

    Just came across this site
  123. A

    Student reviewers of MFE programs

    I was just thinking about this. We know a lot of schools have raced to set up MFE programs recently to supposedly feed the need or demand from aspiring students that cannot get into the marque programs like UCB, CMU, Baruch, Stanford, etc. Obviously, some of these sub standard programs which...
  124. A

    3-D TV going main stream?

    The Avatar IMAX 3D viewing was my first 3D experience, but I would be very surprised if the Avatar 2D experience is in any way scaled down wrt effects and graphics. I think the whole push to 3D is just another marketing ploy to force people to spend more money at the movies and also induce...
  125. A

    3-D TV going main stream?

    Just saw Avatar in IMAX 3D...going back to see it this weekend in 2D just for kicks
  126. A

    Student reviewers of MFE programs

    Just wondering how and when the comprehensive student reviews of the MFE programs will be released
  127. A

    Bachelor Degree + Related Experience = Quant Job?

    Since you just graduated, you have lots of time....Keep in mind that some of the really wealthy people around today started out making next to nothing.
  128. A

    top mathematical finance/ financial engineering PHD programs?

    Please take the time to explore the various threads on this site.....a lot of your questions have been answered previously in some shape or form
  129. A

    How do you understand/appreciate math on a more philosophical level?

    Aj Kappor and BigbadWolf are in a league of their own.....phew
  130. A

    Michael Moore - Capitalism : A Love Story

    This calls to mind John Perkins' Confessions of an Economic Hit man Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (9780452287082): John Perkins: Books and how the World Bank / IMF has enslaved third world countries with debt.
  131. A

    Are you a genius or an optimiser?

    After all is said and done, it is the value you'll be adding to the bottom line / table that will be recognized and not what degrees you have.
  132. A

    How difficult is it to explain why mathematical finance relates to physics for visa app?

    You can also touch base with HR at the firm that hired you. If they're nice, they can prepare a couple paragraphs for you...
  133. A

    Slump Sinks H1-B Visa Program

    Call me a cynic but...horses will probably fly before this ever happens
  134. A

    Slump Sinks H1-B Visa Program

    What exactly is the point you are trying to make?
  135. A

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    I couldn't help but notice how similar you profile was to the author of this blog The Stanford MS-FM Times , maybe you can shoot the author an email to trade ideas / advice
  136. A

    Stanford Financial Math 2009 admission stats

    This is from the Stanford website....if a prospective student can secure a quant analyst internship on their own before joining the program, I'm having a hard time understanding what extra value the degree will add to applicants who can go it alone. My impression is that folks pursue an MFE to...
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    Stanford Financial Math 2009 admission stats

    wow..that's about 6% admission rate. I would be very curious to read the profiles of the admitted students
  138. A

    iRex eInk Readers - personal experience?

    Barnes and Noble just joined the party with their nook reader....hopefully the pricing war will start with sony and amazon, then I can get one of the these once it goes below $200
  139. A

    Controversial Religion thread

    This is a very closed minded view.
  140. A

    Hope for a future democratic China

    Democracy or the concept or idea of democracy will not and cannot work in every country. If more folks at the helm of affairs understood this, maybe we might not have all these wars. I for one would not really mind if the military bulldozed their way back to power in my home country as the very...
  141. A

    Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng Admission Discussion

    CUFE, maybe you can shed more light on the program at Cornell, just like financeguy has done with the Columbia program - giving folks more visibility into things like rigor of the program, current placement siuation, prospects after the program, myths, truths.. etc . I'm sure it will be greatly...
  142. A

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    You need to understand the process and that not every tom, dick and harry on H1B can apply for GC on their own. Your employer usually has to apply on your behalf, and most employers tend to back off and utilize all or most of the time you have on H1 , before they start the process and that's 5...
  143. A

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    I don't have a problem with the government bringing the illegals out of the fact I think it would be in their best interest to do so...but what would tick me off is if the illegals are given a one way ticket to GC and USC while all those other folks who followed the law to the...
  144. A

    How do you understand/appreciate math on a more philosophical level?

    I have been wondering how someone can really understand math on a more philosophical level... I would assume most people are exposed to 'plug and chugg' or 'formulaic' math/calculus in their college years. When you hear that the second derivative is 1 or the integral is 0, how does that...
  145. A

    The playing field is never level ..or is it?

    I learnt this sad but true fact a few years ago when I was a TA for a physics prof in his sophomore level physics based calculus class. This prof had his 8th grade kid attend class, and do all the homework and exams, and remarkably this kid always had scores in the top 15% of the class. Of...
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    hard question(no clue how to answer)

    For an interview question, maybe they didn't expect you to answer it correctly..they might have just wanted to see your thought process and the sort of assumptions you make in tackling tough problems..or maybe if they really wanted a correct answer, it could have warranted a 'grand epiphany' or...
  147. A

    The best second tier MFE universities

    I am just curious why you woul be applying to 11-12 schools for MFE. If it were for an MBA, I would understand as I have heard of numerous accounts of some prospects applying to at least 10 programs. If you have a good enough profile to apply to the top tier schools, applying to second / third...
  148. A

    Rutgers MSMF Rutgers MSMF Placement

    With placement rates that high, you would think they would be more willing to divulge the information on their web site as most of the top programs do.
  149. A

    2009 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE), Quantitative Finance Programs

    I just read the methodology used for the rankings, and if I understand it right, it seems to be based a great deal on the popularity of the sites of each school. I'm finding it difficult to connect how that would be relevant to how strong each program is. I would think a more suitable ranking...
  150. A

    What is the true half - life of a bachelors degree?

    I've been thinking about this for a while as I find myself not using all the hard skills accumulated in school in my current job, and know of many others that ended up in completely different fields than they studied in school. A lot of schools now offer the BS/MS five year option for many...
  151. A

    mathematical topics to study for finance jobs

    Maybe you might want to consider getting an MFE to fill in the gaps in knowledge. With 3 masters degrees and a Phd, you should have no troubles getting into any of the top programs like UCB, CMU, Baruch , etc. It will take an extra year or year and half, but might well be worth it in the long...
  152. A

    what information to include in the resume

    Why go through the trouble of hiding information they might find out down the line...It's not like the masters you don't want to include is in Religion or Nutrition Science.... Eventually it will all depend on how you sell your "achievements"
  153. A

    Quants to testify in Congress

    Interesting article
  154. A

    Undergrad Advice

    blast from the past...BBW's prowess and command in the language continues to befuddle me.
  155. A

    I'm preparing for the GRE and I don't know how to memorize/learn 3500 words !

    It has about 800 - 1000 words, there is a section on SAT words too, which you can ignore. It helped me raise my verbal score 250 points to sub - 700s , my second time around.
  156. A

    Master reading list for Quants, MFE (Financial Engineering) students

    Wondering if anyone has read this book yet <iframe src="" style="width: 120px; height: 240px;" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0"...
  157. A

    I'm preparing for the GRE and I don't know how to memorize/learn 3500 words !

    I guess there's a reason they call it the Queen's language. Shouldn't the goal of the language be to communicate ideas across and not bamboozle with strange and exotic vocabularies??? Roni, you might also try this book Words for Smart Test Takers 2nd Edition (Academic Test...
  158. A

    Jobless graduate sues school

    Apparently the graduate is pissed off they can't get a job after buring through a wad of cash to get through school . She probably got off lucky, I know people that ended up about 150k in the red , because of some over priced college degree...
  159. A

    What features would you like to see on Quantnet ?

    maybe you can implement a work mode and give users the ability to toggle between the regular mode and work mode...
  160. A

    What features would you like to see on Quantnet ?

    Andy, Every now and then, I find myself bookmarking discussion pages with head hunters, just to keep tabs in case I might need to utlize their services later. I'm proposing creating a very easy way for quantnetters to find head hunters in the quantnet commuinty. Thoughts Create a custom HH...
  161. A

    Informercial King Billy Mays-50 found dead

    I'm starting to think these recent celebrity deaths are not as random as they appear
  162. A

    King of Pop Michael Jackson has died

    Apparently, Amazon is trying to make a quick buck off of MJ..they have a huge link on their frontpage to his music cds and such... Another thing that has puzzled me so much is how someone can make so much money during their career (4 decades), and still have a ton of money troubles, doesn't...
  163. A

    King of Pop Michael Jackson has died

    This is sad.....and he was trying to turn his career around. I always thought this was one of his best songs . RIP Jacko
  164. A

    Implement rating system in the Master Reading List

    Andy, I was wondering if there was a way to implement some sort of rating system for the Master Reading List on QuantNet. I know, I for one am going bankrupt buying books on Amazon. At least according to, I've spent more on books from amazon than entertainment and shopping combined...
  165. A

    Ultrathin laptop from the Thinkpad family

    Second that....the Thinkpads lack the sexy looks of a Mac and marketing buzz of a Dell.. ..Well said..
  166. A

    On C++: Straight from the master himself

    Met the man while I was at Texas A&M, Never really got to take any classes from him as he taught mostly grad level CS/CE courses. It's good to know that computing 'greats' like Him can be so accessible..great personality too..
  167. A

    OPT (Optional Practical Training)

    Just a thought....why would someone want to go through the troubles and headache of applying for pre-completion OPT when they are still in school and not close to graduation? They can easily apply for CPT if they want to do internships, right....or am I missing something here?
  168. A

    OPT (Optional Practical Training)

    You get to use OPT, ONLY after you have graduated!!
  169. A

    Undergrad Advice

    So dedicating 2-3 yrs to build eminence. ..I have noticed that a lot of the advice to quant-hopefuls on this forum is to take a couple of math classes here and there to build mathematical maturity for an MFE. Wouldn't it be better to just get a technical masters (math, IE, OR) to
  170. A

    DISCUSSION on second rated MFE programs

    I'm trying to picture orientation day with a huge banner reading "ALOHA MFE students" or "MAHALO students" or something like pun intended. Wonder how they'll recruit, being so far from major financial hubs..Very nice website though.
  171. A

    Paul & Dominic's Guide to Quant Careers Version 2.0 Now Available

    me too...I sent my resume a while back but haven't received the guide
  172. A

    applying to MFE out of undergrad?

    Maybe a masters in a quantitative major (applied math, IE, OR, computational math, numerical methods,... etc) might suffice. It would probably take 1.5 to 2 yrs , and help you build a lot of mathematical maturity. Maybe you can one more year of work experience too. Plotting a 2.5 to 3 year...
  173. A

    Senate approves restriction on foreign hires by banks receiving bailout

    Stumbled on this at NYT...The Japanese paying immigrants to go back home due to the bad job situation See Link . I always thought Japan was immigration averse
  174. A


    Since admission committee usually employ a 'holistic' approach .. you must then ensure that you're absolutely top notch in other areas like : math GRE (perfect score), maybe achieve > 75% percentile in math GRE subject test, have highly deployable skillset (most schools look for people they...
  175. A

    Thats inflation...

    At least some folks can claim they were billionaires (in zim dollars?) at some point in their lives
  176. A

    CMU MSCF advices needed for FE/FM programs

    There has been some discussion about this in the past. see
  177. A

    advices needed for FE/FM programs

    There has been some discussion about this in the past. see
  178. A

    Paul & Dominic's Guide to Quant Careers Version 2.0 Now Available

    I sent you my CV recently. Thanks in advance, my email address is
  179. A

    2009 Interactive Brokers Collegiate Trading Olympiad

    Hey Andy, can you create an Algo Trading section in the Master Reading List..
  180. A

    2009 Interactive Brokers Collegiate Trading Olympiad

    I wonder why the stopped showing the school names.....congrats guys.
  181. A

    A.I.G. Lists the Banks to Which It Paid Rescue Funds

    The political apparatus is just playing games..really...first they put the "bonus" loop-hole in the bailout bill, now they are scrambling to tax the same bonus...folks should be as mad at congress as they are at AIG
  182. A

    I am a finance major, should I apply for a MFE program?

    I think it will serve you well to take some time to look through some of the profiles of folks that get admitted into the schools you are interested in. Some schools have the profiles on their mfe pages while some others have resume books..
  183. A

    int'l student placement at Baruch

    The 90 day restriction means once you get your OPT approved then the clock starts ticking, ie the 90 days is from the OPT start date. As far I know the OPT start date can not be more than 60 days past your graduation date, ie say you graduate May 15, the latest start date on your OPT will be...
  184. A

    int'l student placement at Baruch

    As far as I know, the only difference with the H1B and OPT is that you are particularly advised not to travel outside the country while on OPT because there is NO assurance you can get back into the country, but no such restriction on H1
  185. A

    int'l student placement at Baruch

    All Internationals that graduate from a US College are eligible for the I year OPT. However, the new law is that within that 1 year you MUST not be unemployed for more than 90 days otherwise you lose you F1 status. The OPT extension which just came into effect recently, allows "certain"...
  186. A

    New Quantnet members say hi

    maybe the individual doesn't want to be straddled with tons of debt by the time they graduate, if they're not paying out of pocket
  187. A

    Jon Stewart lashing out at CNBC, Cramer

    Got a kick from the March 4 Daily Show episode... The Daily Show Full Episode | Wednesday Mar 4 2009 | Comedy Central Apparently Jim Cramer will be a guest on the Daily Show on Thursday...should be interesting
  188. A

    VBA web query question

    I'm trying to code up an application in VB to pull information from password protected sites. Say I want to pull my balance from my account or information from my scottrade account, etc...I know you can parse tables in websites with the aid of web query, but I have hit a road block, and would...
  189. A

    2009 Interactive Brokers Collegiate Trading Olympiad

    what's the verdict????....seems like there'll be quite a number of Baruch folks in the top 13
  190. A

    Lehman Merrill Lynch AIG Fannie Freddie WaMu Madoff Citibank saga

    provided they don't file for chapter 11 protection...the stock could be a steal
  191. A

    Senate approves restriction on foreign hires by banks receiving bailout

    This site gives a breakdown of companies applying for H-1Bs and green cards for the past couple of years, the Microsofts, Satyams, IBMs, Oracles are at the top of the food chain
  192. A

    Requesting help...

    She could try head hunters.....I know some folks sending out about a hundred resumes a month, and still they haven't landed anything
  193. A

    Simons's Medallion Fund up 80% in 2008

    It wouldn't hurt if James Simons divulges his black box strategy for his Medallion Fund. In a year where most funds finished with double digit losses, his Medallion Fund was up 80%....
  194. A

    U.S. Military Will Offer Path to Citizenship for foreign students

    Thanks for your insight.. As per the points you made, would a fresh enlistee be stuck with responsibilities in point 2 throughout their time (four years), and are there usually opportunities to rise along your vertical to take on more roles that actually utilize your skills in the Air force as...
  195. A

    MFE Rankings for 2008

    lol...i feel you...
  196. A

    Ph.D. Financial Engineering

    I remember blowing through a bunch of my college courses finishing with 100+ points due to extra credit and all, but that only earned me an A, also I had a couple of painful 88's and 89's and of course that earned me a B. If I recalculated my GPA based on A+,A,A-,..etc criteria, I would...
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    Ph.D. Financial Engineering

    How is it possible to get a GPA of over 4.0 ? At my university you could only get an A, B,C, D, F .
  198. A

    Project Euler

    Another good resource is the ACM programming competition problem archive. Each problem set has about 8 problems and the time alloted is about 5 hours. I found it exremely helpful for interview preparation/ skills consolidation by doing progamming marathons with couple of buddies...
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