Andy, can you give an idea as to when will this come out?
Hi Andy, couple questions about this course. Will more be covered in this course then the material usually covered in an introductory object-oriented course? When do you expect/hope for the first class to be offered? Thanks!
We hope to formally announce the course in the coming weeks. The plan is to offer this course during the summer. Obviously, date is subject to changes.
We expect to offer this course to people who need an MFE-preparation
C++ training and/or certification so it will take people with no or some prior programming experience and bring them up to the level expected of those entering a MFE program.
You will learn the standard
C++ material as well as materials relevant to MFE such as at the end of the course, you are able to build your own codebase in
C++ to price options, bonds, Black-Scholes, etc aka the standard first year MFE curriculum.
Do you have any information on how long it will take to finish the certificate?
Is it possible to complete the courses before fall semester starts?
This is designed for your own schedule and pace. You will be tested after each chapter/module before you are able to go to the next level. Each person can decide how fast they can move. For example, some can finish in one month while others in 3 months. I do not know the average time it should take to complete the course yet so it's hard to answer your question now.
There will be TAs to answer your questions online.
Lastly, while we appreciate the growing interest in the course, we have every intention to take the time and do it right.