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C++ Online Certificate Students' intro thread

Hi, I'm Chenyu, a passionate quantitative researcher. It's very nice to meet you all here! :)

Objective: to improve my skills in C++ and for admission to 25Fall MFE program

Programming: Python, Stata, Matlab, Linux, C/C++(still needs improvement)

Current Work:

Undergraduate Student in PKU majoring in Math and Statistics and double majoring in Economics, graduate in 2025.

Currently working as a quantitative researcher intern @ An undisclosed hedge fund in Singapore

Incoming quantitative researcher summer intern @ Jump Trading

Intended pace: Within 2 months
Hi everyone, I'm Yann. Nice to meet you guys !

Objective: Learn++ with financial applications, prepare for MFE
Programming Experience: Python Certificate, courses on R, and SQL, experience in VBA
Current Work: Senior with Mathematics major
Intended Pace: 16 weeks (many other commitments to deal with at the same time)
Hello everyone, glad to be here. Nice to meet you guys!

Objective: Learn C++ for MFE program
Programming Experience: Python, VBA, SQL
Current Work: Senior Financial Analyst
Intended Pace: I hope to complete the course by Summer 2024.
Hi everyone, I'm Lam Nguyen. Nice to meet you all !

Objective: Become more competitive in the quantitative field, get a chance to work aboard, and MFE program in the future

Programming Experience: Python, SQL, a little Javascript

Current Work: Quantitative Developer for some alpha fund out there

Intended pace: Hoping to complete the course with distinction in 6-8 weeks
Hello All,

Objective: To learn C++ for admission to MFE program
Programming Experience: python and a little matlab
Current Work: In the senior year of math and economics major
Intended Pace: I hope to complete this course within three months but I am not confident about my programming skills
You'll be fine; the TAs are very helpful :)
hi every body, I'm Yuhan Wu , glad to meet you all !

Objective: To learning C++ and enhance my competitiveness when applying for MFE projects
Programming Experience: python , matlab , and a little VBA
Current Work: Senior undergraduate majoring in Finance
Intended Pace: Hope to finish study with distinction before summer
Hello everyone,
Objective: To successfully complete the C++ Program for Financial Engineering by end July 2024.
Programming Experience: Basic Python, SQL, and JavaScript, machine learning
Current Work: Economist looking towards upgrading my skill set and be competitive for a quantitative analyst or investment advisor position
Intended Pace: Plan to put all available time and complete C++ MFE by end July 2024
Objective: To learn C++ before attending GA Tech QCF program in the Fall.

Programming experience: MATLAB, R, Python

Current work: Conducting research project on put option hedging.

Intended pace of program: Finish by mid August
Hey guys, I just graduated from NYU with Mathematics&Economics Bachelor Degree and started my gap year.

Objective: For admission to the MFE Program and search for quant internship
Programming Experience: Python, R, and SQL
Current Work: Full time leetcoder
Intended pace: ASAP
Hey all, I just graduated from PhD Electrical Engineering at Imperial College London and looking to start my quant research internship in a few months.

Objective: Prepare for quant internship
Programming Experience: Python, MATLAB, Java, R, SQL
Current Work: Recent PhD graduate
Intended pace: ASAP
Hey! I'm heading to my final year of Bachelor Degree in Math with Stats.
Objective: Learn C++ for MFE programs
Programming Experience: Python, R, and SQL
Current Work: Final year student in fall 2024
Intended pace: ASAP
Am I the first student in July 😃?
Hi everyone, I'm an industry professional who wants to learn some c++ for pricing model development.
Objective: Learn C++ for career and personal development
Programming Experience: Python, R, MATLAB, SQL (most comfortable to least)
Current Work: Model Risk Management
Intended pace: 2 - 3 months as I fresh up on Shreve 2 as well.

I'm a bit relieved to see this course is not completely dead :^)