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Getting a job after quantnet c++ certificate

I'm currently a back office developer at an investment bank in New York, with about 3 years of full-time work experience. I don't have any experience with C++, would taking both of the quantnet courses help me transition to a quant dev or C++ dev job? I have some doubts because I don't see how I can convince people that even though I don't have professional experience with C++ I've learned the language through two online courses and that they should hire me.

Which C++ courses have you done?
I would start on QN C++
I did one on coursera. Planning to do C++ Programming for Financial Engineering followed by Advanced C++ and Modern Design. I have no doubt about the quality of the content. My question is more about how to leverage the courses to find a new job, since I won't be applying for entry level jobs and will still not have any professional experience with C++. Any suggestions on how to overcome this? Or is it not a big concern.

I will just apply with the certificate credential resume and try to show my knowledge of development and of C++ as best as possible.
I have been training and coaching students and industry quants for some time now. I think "bridging the gap" between finance and C++ is a good way to show that you are able and interested. The QN courses includes projects to get you started.

My advice: take a well known (not too big) problem and rerproduce the results based on reference articles.
I have posted a bunch of MSc theses that I supervised on LinkedIn.

What kinds of derivatives do you come in contact with? I suppose iimpressing colleagues is not a bad thing.
Here are some articles on C++ applied to option pricing, Might be useful.

BTW, just out of curiosity, do you have the list of topics in the C++ Coursera course?
BTW, just out of curiosity, do you have the list of topics in the C++ Coursera course?
Planning a third C++ course? I’d actually be quite happy if you, Andy, and Avi did. I am planning to take the advanced course starting in two months and it’d be good to roll straight into another C++ course right after.

Your first course actually helped get me a job as an algo developer at a trading firm in New York and I plan to use the advanced course and any future course you create to launch phase two of my master plan.
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BTW, just out of curiosity, do you have the list of topics in the C++ Coursera course?
Object-Oriented Data Structures in C++
  • Orientation; Writing a C++ Program

  • Understanding the C++ Memory Model
  • Developing C++ Classes
    Engineering C++ Software Solutions
  • Linear Structures
  • Tree Structures
  • Advanced Structures
  • Heap Structures
  • Hashing
  • Disjoint sets
  • Graph Data Structures
  • Graph Algorithms

It is actually 3 mini courses, basically using C++ to teach basic Computer Science.
I have been training and coaching students and industry quants for some time now. I think "bridging the gap" between finance and C++ is a good way to show that you are able and interested. The QN courses includes projects to get you started.

My advice: take a well known (not too big) problem and rerproduce the results based on reference articles.
I have posted a bunch of MSc theses that I supervised on LinkedIn.

What kinds of derivatives do you come in contact with? I suppose iimpressing colleagues is not a bad thing.
I don't come in contact with derivatives at the moment, the group works on macro forecasts and risk. But I agree, building derivatives pricing programs with C++ would be a good thing to work on. I will do the two courses from quantnet first and then pick a project to work on.

Daniel, are you suggesting to write a thesis like the example you attached? I suppose you mean without going back to school officially, is that correct?

Thank you for the advice, I really appreciate it.