C++ Online Certificate Students' intro thread

which C++ books?

Hi Mr. Duffy,

It's nice to hear from you.

Regarding your question, I read the following books:

1. Thinking in C++, Volume 1, 2nd Edition by Bruce Eckel.
2. The second one is written in Serbian, by math professor at the University of Belgrade, and it is more related to data structures (linked lists, tree etc.) and basic algorithms (linear and binary search, merge sort, selection sort, quick sort etc.).

Few days back, I also came across the thread below, and I found it extremely useful:
Master reading list for Quants, MFE (Financial Engineering) students

Hi Mr. Duffy,

It's nice to hear from you.

Regarding your question, I read the following books:

1. Thinking in C++, Volume 1, 2nd Edition by Bruce Eckel.
2. The second one is written in Serbian, by math professor at the University of Belgrade, and it is more related to data structures (linked lists, tree etc.) and basic algorithms (linear and binary search, merge sort, selection sort, quick sort etc.).

Few days back, I also came across the thread below, and I found it extremely useful:
Master reading list for Quants, MFE (Financial Engineering) students

Hi Vlad,
Bruce Eckeliis very good; it was my first C++ book way back in 1988. AFAIR he has great examples as well.

C++ directly supports all those data types in STL.



Hi all, happy to join you guys and learn C++ together!
Objective: Improve my coding skills for incoming MFE program and further for my career.
Programming experience: basic C++, python, R
Current work: Student
Intended Pace: Hopefully by July 20th!
Hello everyone! I am happy to join this group! I hope everyone gets what they want!
Objective: Improve my general coding skills
Programming experience: Java
Current work: Student
Intended Pace: Hopefully by September.
Hello Everyone! Found this thread a little bit late... Hopefully it's not too late to introduce myself.

Objective: Start from scratch to learn C++ and hopefully fit the prerequisite for Baruch MFE
Programming experience: A little bit of Excel VBA,Matlab, and Python
Current work: Prop Trader
Intended Pace: As fast as I can since there are always so much more good knowledge to learn
Hi All! As an introduction:

Objective: Learn C++ and gain an insight into its applications in Quantitative Fiannce
Programming experience: R, Matlab, SQL, UNIX, Python
Current Work: Fiuxed Income Research Analsyt, JP Morgan
Intended Pace: As soon as I can :) Hope to continue with C++ 11 and C++14 soon.
Hi All! As an introduction:

Objective: Learn C++ and gain an insight into its applications in Quantitative Fiannce
Programming experience: R, Matlab, SQL, UNIX, Python
Current Work: Fiuxed Income Research Analsyt, JP Morgan
Intended Pace: As soon as I can :) Hope to continue with C++ 11 and C++14 soon.
and we even have a bit of C++17 as well (in Advanced Course)
C++14 is small, C++11 is the meat!

First, get the basics right and then it's plain sailing.

Have fun :)
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Hi everyone:

Objective: Learn coding skills and to gain admission to MFE program
Programming Experience: None
Current Work: Trader
Intended Pace: Hopefully before September
Hi Everyone,
Objective: Learn C++ for admission to MFE program
Programing Experience: Some Python and R
Background: Just graduated with a B.S in Applied Mathematics and Statistics and a B.A in Economics.
Current Job: Research Analyst for buy side recruiting firm
Intended Pace: Before the start of September
Hello Everyone. My name is Esther, and I'm very excited to take this course. I recently graduated with a double major in Engineering Physics and Mathematics.

Objective: Prep for MFE programs

Programming Experience: SQL

Current work: Cost Estimator

Intended Pace: By end of September
Hello Everyone. My name is Esther, and I'm very excited to take this course. I recently graduated with a double major in Engineering Physics and Mathematics.

Objective: Prep for MFE programs

Programming Experience: SQL

Current work: Cost Estimator

Intended Pace: By end of September
Interesting profile. A long time ago I used to write software systems for Cost Control, something which I found really enjoyable, especially used/scheduled S curve reports on a singe A4 (are we running out of budget?)
Interesting profile. A long time ago I used to write software systems for Cost Control, something which I found really enjoyable, especially used/scheduled S curve reports on a singe A4 (are we running out of budget?)

haha that's interesting, which ones?
Mostly estimation, allocation and monitoring of resource (e.g. in non PC-era Manhours, disk space, $ etc.) of oil/gas/engineering. I built the first on an Apple II with 128b KB memory Later I ported it to a mini. It ran for 17 years (individual project leaders hated it ('nowhere to hide') but the cost control guys loved it). And procurement system for Exxon North Sea (in SQL where it was still in the laboratory). And then disk management system for Shell for 1000 users spread over many expensive disks. Saved $$$.
Funny thing (and I realized it once in the middle of the night) was EVERYTHING in code for Hours was exactly the same as for disks (right down to organizational levels..) Both were the same problem.
This example used Oracle when that company was really small. Used SQL to aggregate/consolidate the data.

Enjoy the course!
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On a related issue, I wrote the very fist C++ production library for AutoCAD and you will meet some of those geometric classes in this course.
Hi everyone! I'm very excited to take this course with you.

Objective: Admission to MFE programs.

Programming experience: PYTHON, MATLAB, R, VBA, SQL.
Current work: Final-year Math/Accounting Undergrad.

Intended pace of program: Hopefully by Sep. 1.
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