• C++ Programming for Financial Engineering
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    An Intuition-Based Options Primer for FE
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C++ Online Certificate Students' intro thread

Hi everyone, I'm Zihui. Nice to meet you all!
Objective: To learn C++ for admission to the MFE program and also for a quant internship
Programming experience: Python, R, basic SQL & VBA
Current work: I'm a final-year undergraduate studying quant finance and risk management
Intended pace of program: I hope to complete this program by November
Hey everyone, my name's Arian Berisha.
Objective: To learn C++ for admission to the MFE program and further my skillset/move into more quantitative roles within finance
Programming Experience: Python (Courses from university: Intro to Python (completed), Algorithmic Trading (in progress), and Math for AI (in progress))
Current work: Senior at the Gabelli School of Business, majoring in finance and minoring in math with a concentration in fintech. Currently acting as the IT Portfolio Manager and Quant/Alternatives Strategist for my school's Student Managed Investment Fund.
Intended pace of the program: I hope to complete this program by November-December.